Exam question success Command words and their meanings Level 3: Detailed Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of the topic with reference to specific examples Provides a balanced discussion with well- developed ideas through a detailed understanding of the issue. Shows thorough geographical understanding of interrelationships between places, environments and processes. Shows clear ability to evaluate and see both sides of the argument. Command word and meaning Example question Assess- Make an informed judgement. Assess how effective your presentation technique(s) were in representing the data collected in this enquiry. Calculate- Work out the value of something. Calculate the increase in retail sales value of Fairtrade bananas. Compare- Identify similarities and differences. Using Figure 4, compare HDI values in Africa and South America. Complete- Finish the task by adding to given information. Complete the following sentence/graph… Describe-Set out characteristics. What does something look like – don’t say why! Describe the distribution of areas with existing licenses for fracking in the UK. Discuss- Present key points about different ideas or strengths and weaknesses of an idea. Discuss the effects of urban sprawl on people and the environment. Use Figure 3 and a case study of a major city in the UK. Evaluate- Judge from available evidence. Evaluate the effectiveness of an urban transport scheme(s) you have studied. Explain- Set out purposes or reasons. Say why. Explain how different landforms may be created by the transport and deposition of sediment along the coast Give- Produce an answer from recall. Give one condition that is needed for a tropical storm to form. Identify- Name or otherwise characterise. Identify the landform at grid reference 653532. Justify- Support a case with evidence. 'Transnational corporations (TNCs) only bring advantages to the host country.' Do you agree with this statement? Justify your decision. Outline- Set out main characteristics. Outline one way that Fairtrade deals with unequal development. State- Express in clear terms. State one characteristic of the course of the River. Suggest- Present a possible case. Suggest how the sea defences shown in Figure 11 help to protect the coastline. To what extent- Judge the importance or success of OR say how much you agree or disagree with a statement To what extent do urban areas in lower income countries (LICs) or newly emerging economies (NEEs) provide social and economic opportunities? Level 2 answer: Clear Provides accurate knowledge with some reference to specific examples. Shows some geographical understanding of interrelationships between places, environments and processes. Demonstrates reasonable application of knowledge and an ability to evaluate. Level 1 answer: Basic Shows limited generic knowledge, with little or no specific detail. Answers are not developed. Demonstrates some understanding of the issue, with random statements. Shows slight geographical understanding of the interrelationships between places, environments and processes. Demonstrates limited application of knowledge and understanding with a limited attempt to evaluate.
Literacy mat To describe: The diagram shows… The map shows… The picture shows… The graph shows… It shows… To explain: This happens because… This demonstrates… This is caused by… Therefore… This maybe because… To compare and contrast: Similarly… In the same way… However… In comparison…. In contrast... To start a new point: Firstly… Secondly… Furthermore… In addition… Next… Also… To give examples: For example… Such as... For instance… To illustrate… …as an example… An example of this is… Connectives And, but, if, yet, so, also, like, therefore, because however, although, whereas, instead, otherwise PEEL paragraph example: Erosional rates are high along much of the Holderness Coastline because it is made of glacial till. This rock is very soft and therefore erodes by processes such as hydraulic action quickly. One example of this occurring is south of Hornsea where there are no sea defences. The erosional rates here can be up to 12m per year. South of Hornsea the rates of erosion due to hydraulic action and abrasion are higher as at Hornsea groynes have been used to protect the settlement. This has trapped sand which was being transported by Longshore Drift and has created beaches at Hornsea. South of Honsea the beaches are no longer there and erosion has increased. Therefore this suggests that groynes can help to protect settlements but are responsible for speeding up the rates of erosion further down the coast. Punctuation . to end a sentence , to separate lists or to break sentences into smaller chunks ? to indicate the use of a question ! to end a point you feel strongly about () to show a separate point or explanation within a sentence ‘ To indicate missing letters e.g. don't, can’t, won’t, we’re Don’t mix up your homophones Affect/effect: People were affected by the fire. The effects include. burns… To/too/two: Two earthquakes hit as the children went to school. Lava was emitted too. Weather/whether: They didn’t know whether to go out in the rainy weather. For/four: Four pupils went for a run.