This classic illusion dates back to the 1800s, and depicts an old woman and a young woman at the same time. Can't see it? The young woman's jawline is the old woman's nose, and her ear is the old woman's eye. But here's the key: Try to see both at the same time. You can't, can you? You can only switch from one to the other, no matter how hard you try.
Student Health Services Information and Updates Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Objectives Define Central Office School Health Team Roles Describe our SHS Accomplishments / Collaborations Identify staffing for SHS Demonstrate knowledge of using email signature/weekly updates Discuss the SIS system on documentation Develop next steps for committee involvement and professional development
Student Health Services Vision Healthy Todays & Healthy Tomorrows For the Children of the School District of Philadelphia
Student Support Services Staff Karyn Lynch Student Health Services Team Natalie Mathurin, Deputy Chief/Director of Medical Services Irene Kratz, Director of Nursing Shannon Smith School Health Coordinator Vacant- School Health Coordinator Bashira Charles School Health Coordinator Lauren Reagen School Health Coordinator 320 schools and 265 nurses/agencies Educator /Nursing OT/PT Angela Rice, Project Manager Assistant, Student Health Services
SHS Accomplishments thus far this year Building our School Health Team Central and School Based Forming Cohorts Standardizing our Message Family and Community Engagement - workshops B A M - presentation to Principals Updating SIS Access for Cohorts ICD9 to 10, Fixes, SHARRS/mini SHARRS Supplying Tools to perform your job - Audiometers, Thermoscans, Pulse Ox, Spot Screeners BAM - Benchmarking, Analytics, Management
SHS Accomplishments thus far (continued) Maintaining Partnerships - Vision, Dental Improving 504 Process Meeting with Director regularly Accessing the need for these/when Increasing Accountability - Website Management - current information Nurse Weekly Updates Nurse Orientation Checklist Benchmarks - tracking data Professional Development - cornerstone
Collaboration Department of Public Health Department of Human Services Health care Providers Health Centers Community Stakeholders School District of Philadelphia
Staffing Emails Documentation Vacancies Absences Signature Weekly Update Documentation Screenings Office Visits Contacts [
On Chart Paper - table work What difficulties do you face at your school site performing your job? 2. What supplies would you use to complete your work? 3. What professional development speakers/topics would increase your knowledge/skills taking care of our students in the schools?
Next Steps Interviews and filling vacancies Data collection for adequate staffing needs Screening %s completed Policies and Administrative Guidelines Procedures Committee Formation if nurses interested Collaboration expansion both external /internal Professional Development January 2019