Cotton Economic Update National Cotton Council Mid-Year Board Meeting Amelia Island, Florida August 24-26, 2009 National Cotton Council Mid-Year Board Meeting Amelia Island, Florida August 24-26, 2009
Has the Economy Bottomed? Fed Chairman Bernanke thinks so – After contracting sharply over the past year, economic activity appears to be leveling out, …,and the prospects for a return to growth in the near term appear good. –the economic recovery is likely to be relatively slow at first... Fed Chairman Bernanke thinks so – After contracting sharply over the past year, economic activity appears to be leveling out, …,and the prospects for a return to growth in the near term appear good. –the economic recovery is likely to be relatively slow at first...
% Change in Real GDP 3 rd Q?
Cotton & Textile Demand
Textile Trade Declined thru May (Totals as reported by Global Trade Atlas)
US Cotton Domestic Consumption
More Modest Drop in US Spending for Clothing & Shoes
US Cotton Mill Use
International Markets
Update on Key Countries W Africa – Lower production & exports Brazil – Some quality concerns with current harvest; expected shift to soybeans Central Asia – Smaller crops due to reduced area Pakistan – No widespread concerns on production; new support to textile industry & some improvements in spinning margins W Africa – Lower production & exports Brazil – Some quality concerns with current harvest; expected shift to soybeans Central Asia – Smaller crops due to reduced area Pakistan – No widespread concerns on production; new support to textile industry & some improvements in spinning margins
China Cotton Supply & Use
China Cotton Price vs. A Index
Indias Min Support Price
India Cotton Supply & Use
Cotton Exports
US Production
09 Cotton 9.05 Million
US Acres & Relative Prices
US Cotton Production
Cotton Crop Conditions
US Supply & Demand 2009/10 Beg Stocks Production Total Supply Mill Use Exports Ending Stocks
Cotton Prices
Recovery in Mill Use?
Drawdown in World Stocks?
Have US Acres Bottomed? 10 ratios based on current Dec & Nov 10 futures contracts
Merchants Ginners Cottonseed Producers Cooperatives Warehouses Manufacturers