Using Product Content Understanding Content Understanding Quality It is imperative that resellers understand the content which helps them sell products. Complete content includes operational data, rich content, images and videos. Not all content is used for the same purpose. Some content is necessary to run ERP, sales, procurement and other back end systems. Other content helps sell products in print. While other content is perfect for the Web. Understanding Quality How does a reseller know how much content Essendant has developed for any given product, and what they can use it for? How do they know which items have enough content for catalogs or websites? Some resellers review each item to determine if a product has enough content. This can be a Herculean task. Some resellers just eyeball the content and guess. This can lead to poor product placement. A Better Solution Essendant has come up with a solution by identifying the content quality class grade that fits each marketing vehicle best. No more guesswork. Each product receives a grade based on its content completeness. Products with fully developed operational and rich content and images/videos receive the best grade of A. Other products with varying degrees of content completeness receive grades from B to D.
OUR GRADING CRITERIA: The better the grade, the better the content OUR GRADING CRITERIA: The better the grade, the better the content. The better the content the better the grade. QUALITY CLASS D: Operational Content Only Products with a quality class rating of D may only contain basic operational data intended for ERP and back-end systems. While some dealers and distributors may wish to post these very basic product records on their website, they do not make for the best end-user experience and many customers may choose not to put these records online. QUALITY CLASS C: Basic Web Content Products with a quality class rating of C have everything required for “D,” plus the fundamental information required to post the item online. They are accompanied by an image (though the image may not be of a high resolution), they have basic copy, and they appear within the various digital hierarchies syndicated by United, Lagasse and ORS. QUALITY CLASS B: Enterprise Standard Content Products with a quality class rating of B have everything required for “C,” plus basic category attributes, family data and a high-resolution image. These requirements enhance an end-user’s digital experience when interacting with these items on a Web site. They also are the basic requirements to print the item in a catalog or flyer. QUALITY CLASS A: Competitive Web Content Products with a quality class rating of A have received special treatment by United. They contain everything required for a “B” rating, but they also have many additional attributes completed. Most often they have multiple images or other digital assets. These items may contain special features like microsites, 360 photos, video, or more.
CONTENT QUALITY CLASS B: Enterprise Standard Content CLASS A: Competitive Web Content CLASS D: Operational Content Only CLASS C: Basic Web Content