Sermon Series: In Search of Freedom Pastor Mike Pratt June 4, 2017
Maintaining Momentum Pastor Mike Pratt June 4, 2017
How Does Relapse Happen?
How Does Relapse Happen? Complacency
How Does Relapse Happen? Complacency Confusion
How Does Relapse Happen? Complacency Confusion Compromise
How Does Relapse Happen? Complacency Confusion Compromise Catastrophe
What Can Cause Relapse? Reverting to willpower.
What Can Cause Relapse? Reverting to willpower. Ignoring one of the Steps.
What Can Cause Relapse? Reverting to willpower. Ignoring one of the Steps. Trying to recover without support.
What Can Cause Relapse? Reverting to willpower. Ignoring one of the Steps. Trying to recover without support. Becoming prideful.
How Do I Prevent Relapse? Reserve a daily time with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and prayer in order to know God and his will for my life and gain the power to do it.
How Do I Prevent Relapse? Evaluation
Evaluation: What to evaluate Physical
Evaluation: What to evaluate Physical Emotional
Evaluation: What to evaluate Physical Emotional Relational
Evaluation: What to evaluate Physical Emotional Relational Spiritual
How Do I Prevent Relapse? Evaluation Meditation Slow Down long enough…
How Do I Prevent Relapse? Evaluation Meditation Prayer