Friday, 18 January 2019 Driving Question: How does the Media portray Jewish people? Warm I can identify key facts about Judaism. Hot I can explain how Jews are presented in the film ‘fiddler on the roof.’ I can evaluate the difference between Russian and non-Russian Jews. Scorching
Before You Watch the Movie, answer these questions: 1. List 5 FACTUAL statements about the Jewish religion, history or culture you have learned before watching this movie. 2. What is anti-Semitism? While you watch the movie, answer these questions 3. List at least 10 observations you have that the movie portrays about the Jewish people. 4. Make a list of the ways (at least 5) that Jews were prejudiced against. Remember, these are going to be subtle, so you have to really look for them throughout the movie. 5. Why is tradition important to the Jewish people? 6. Describe the differences between Jews and non-Russian Jews in this film.