Plot Diagram An American Childhood By Annie Dillard Analyzing Literature Plot Diagram An American Childhood By Annie Dillard
Do Now: Please take out notes on stages of plot for “An American Childhood” and complete plot diagram
EXPOSITION Characters Annie, age 7 Mikey Fahey: polite, blond boy,oldest Man in city clothes: a suit and tie, street shoes Setting Weekday morning after Christmas Winter Reynolds Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
RISING ACTION Kids threw snowballs at the black Buick. The driver got out of the car and started chasing the kids. The kids were losing speed. The driver wouldn’t give up, chasing through the “backyard labyrinths of ten blocks…”
CLIMAX The man caught Annie and Mikey!!! This is the turning point of the story!!
FALLING ACTION Annie felt excited and exhilarated. The man “chewed” the kids out. She compared this experience to a game.
RESOLUTION The outcome of the story is that both Annie and her friend put everything they had into the chase, and so did the man. It teaches the reader to persevere, be passionate and never give up without trying your hardest.