In The Name Of God Vocabulary
A(AN): “not” , “without”
Anonymous: Anonymous: nameless; of unknown or unnamed origin
Anoxia: Anoxia: deprivation of (state of being without) oxygen. An abnormally low amount of oxygen in the body.
Apnea: Apnea: Temporary cessation of breathing A temporary Stop of breathing, occurring in some newborns (infant apnea) and in some adults during sleep (sleep apnea). Breathing that slows down or stops from any cause is called apnea.
Aseptic: Aseptic: Free from disease-cauasing microorganisms. Right picture is clean areas for aseptic.
Asymptomatic: Asymptomatic: Showing no symptoms of disease. Showing no evidence of disease.
Atheism: Atheism: Godlessness. The belief that there is no God.
Atrophy: Atrophy: Lack of growth as from disease A wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or nerve damage.
Atypical: Atypical: not typical. not conforming to the type; irregular; abnormal.
MONO(MON): “one” , “Single” , “alone”
Monarchy: Monarchy: Rule by a single person. Supreme power held by a single person.
Monochromatic: Monochromatic: The tone of color in picture is one. The tone of right picture is purple and left picture green.
Monocle: Monocle: An eyeglass for one eye.
Monogamy: Monogamy: Marriage with only one person at a time. Marriage with one mate at a time.
Monogram: Monogram: A design consisting of two or more alphabetic letters combined. Two or more letters to represent a name. Electronic Arts. Volkswagen. Iran Khodro Company. Life’s Good. Chanel.
Monograph: Monograph: A monograph is a work of writing on a single subject or an aspect of a subject, usually by a single author.
Monolith: Monolith: Single stone of large size. An obelisk, Large statue and … formed of a single block stone.
Monolithic: Monolithic: Single stone of large size. Formed massive and rigidly uniform.
Monolog: Monolog: Long speech by one person is monolog.
Monomania: Monomania: an inordinate or interest in a single thing, idea or subject.
Monomorphic: Monomorphic: Having a single form.
Monosyllabic: Monosyllabic: having only one syllable. Cat , Bus , One , Red , Sun , … Raid , Life , Plot , Door , Head , High , Base , Rage , Love , Drop …
Monotheism: Monotheism: Belief that there is only one God.
Monotonous: Monotonous: Means Boring. Continuing in without changing tone.
POLY: “many”
Polyarchy: Polyarchy : a form of government in which power is vested in three or more persons.
Polychromatic: Polychromatic: Having a variety of colors. Multicolored. Having or exhibiting a variety of colors.