Mr David Bell Mrs Carey Ayres The Joseph Whitaker School An Academy specialising in Sport and Performing Arts KS3 Assessment Welcome Mr David Bell Mrs Carey Ayres 11th October 2018
Academic subjects English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, RS, MFL and Computer science have bands and targets based around KS2 results (with some amendments in line with CAT scores and teacher assessment). Creative subjects Art, Music, Drama, PE, Technology have bands and targets set according to baseline assessments and CATs (KS2 results are considered).
Maths A Band
Maths D Band
Geography A & B Band
Attitude to Learning 2.88 Average Points Overall Rank in Cohort (242 students) 151
Dedicated to Raising Money Through the Community FOR the Community! JW PTA Powered by All of the profit goes to our school The Joseph Whitaker School have launched a lottery A guaranteed prize to someone on out supporter list every week A further chance of winning £25,000 in a separate draw every week Start supporting now only £1 per week Dedicated to Raising Money Through the Community FOR the Community! Supporters need to be 16 years of age or older Did you know that whenever you buy anything online - from your weekly shop to your annual holiday - you could be raising a free donation for JWPTA? There are over 3,300 retailers including Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, and Sainsbury's, ready to give a free donation to JWPTA every time you shop online through easyfundraising. It's really simple, and doesn't cost you anything. Easyfundraising has raised £500 and has 70 members JWPTA have raised £1300 on the School Lottery (67 members)