dexterity: noun definition: skillful or adroit in the use of the hands or body having mental adroitness or skill; clever done with skill or adroitness
dexterity dexterous dek struh s -or- dek ster uh s pronunciation: dek ster i tee dexterous pronunciation: dek struh s -or- dek ster uh s
dexterity related form: adjective— dexterous
dexterity synonyms: proficiency adroitness expertise ingenuity readiness artistry facility
dexterity The waiter displayed dexterity when he balanced the heavy dishes on the tray.
dexterity Manual dexterity becomes difficult as one ages.
dexterity Magicians are known for their manual dexterity.
dexterity It takes incredible dexterity to shoot a bow accurately.
dexterous A surgeon must be dexterous in order to operate successfully.
dexterous The dexterous basketball player confused his opponent with his adroit moves.
dexterous Dexterous yet foolhardy, the man balanced precariously on the rope.