Gospels: Matthew, Luke/Acts Some basics
Matthew Tried to help new Christians see faith in terms of the Jewish faith Quotes much from the Old Testament – 57 times A bridge between history of Israel and the new Church Presents Jesus as the expected Messiah – the fulfillment of the Torah Speaks often of the Kingdom of Heaven God as king just as in Old Testament In Jesus, this kingdom has arrived
Luke/Acts Well written and detailed – 80-90 CE Well educated- Luke was a doctor The first church historian Shows that the Gospel has been brought to the Gentiles In addition to mark and Q, he uses a source called “L” L is unique to Luke Not sure of origin: may have been a separate source or the result of Luke’s interviews
Luke Luke places much emphasis on prayer Gospel often shows Jesus at prayer We don’t know what Jesus says – he spends time alone in prayer
Acts of the Apostles History of the early Church Shows how the early Church structure developed Shows the gentiles as more receptive of the Gospel This is his intended audience