1. Population Census History in Vietnam Census in Vietnam 1. Population Census History in Vietnam - Census taking dating back many centuries. - The first real census of an independent Vietnam was conducted late in 1979. - Internationally recognized census concepts, design features and processing, was conducted in April 1989. - The third census was conducted in April 1999. - The last population and housing census has been conducted in 2009 with a reference time of the census is 00.00 hours, 1 April 2009.
2009 Census The Census Preparation and Legal Authority - The 2009 Census was conducted under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 94/2008/QD-TTg on 10/7/2008. - Its main objective was to collect the basic data on population and housing of Vietnam to provide services for researching and analyzing. - A survey of 15 percent of the national population has been included to expand the census coverage, reduce the cost. - Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) has been adopted for data capture instead of manual data entry via keyboard.
Contents of the Census Questionnaire - Face-to-face interview. - Two questionnaires were used: a completed (short) questionnaire and a sample (long) questionnaire. + Contents of the completed questionnaire: ++ Information on population ++ Dwellings of households
Contents of the Census Questionnaire (contd) + Contents of the sample questionnaire: ++ Information on population ++ Birth history of women aged 15-49 years ++ Information on deaths ++ Dwellings of households
Pre-test and Pilot Census Questionnaires and materials formally used in the census have undergone three pre-tests and one pilot before being applied in the actual census.
Mapping and household listing 2009 Census Mapping and household listing - Sketch maps and household listings is a basis for: + Distributing census resources. + Guiding enumerators to households. + Locating materials, questionnaires and stationery. - Whole country is divided into about 172,000 EAs. - Two types of maps: base maps and EA maps.
- Seted up a plan for the publicity campaign of the census. Census Publicity - Seted up a plan for the publicity campaign of the census. - It was launched in March 2009, reaching its crescendo during 15 March to 20 April 2009. - It was broadcasted on radio and TV, in daily newspapers both centrally and locally and even on the radio systems of the village and urban-blocks. - Telephone hot-lines were installed in both central areas and localities.
Recruitment and Training of the Census Officials - Enumerators were assigned according to specific geographical conditions and EA size. - Team leaders were appointed to directly manage enumerators’ work. - There were supervisors at the central, provincial and district levels - All census participants have been trained very carefully.
Data Processing and Tabulation 2009 Census Data Processing and Tabulation - Used ICR technology to input information directly from questionnaires to computers instead of using keyboards. - Success of ICR technology will be the premise for its application in other statistics surveys. - The GSO in co-operation with computer Company have build software, organized training courses, tested systems, and finalized the software package for new TIS and e-Form software.
The Census Data Dissemination - Preliminary results were released in early August 2009. - Expanded sample results were published in December 2009. - It is planned that the completed results will be disseminated in June 2010. - Some in-depth monographs will be printed in late 2010.
2009 Census Summary - Results of the 2009 Census is a bright colour picture in a lively and profound way about the status of Vietnam’s population. - Over the past ten years, we have not only implemented very well targets in reducing fertility rate, maintaining and stabilizing population size but also fostered advancement in improving population quality of the country. - There are many more important and interesting issues to continue to discover and analyse more details.