Thomas Jefferson was the third president.
Early Life My person was born in Shadwell, VA. My person was born on April 13, 1743. When Thomas Jefferson was little he lived in two places. Thomas Jefferson’s parents names were Jane Randolph Jefferson and Peter Jefferson, His sister was Jane Jefferson, she was named after her mother. Thomas Jefferson was married to Martha Jefferson
Contributions and Trivia My person was famous for signing the Declaration of Independence He was also the third president of the United States of America Thomas Jefferson people put his face on a nickel. Thomas Jefferson also got his face on Mount Rushmore. Thomas Jefferson contribute to society was being a president. Thomas Jefferson saved Sacagawea.
Later life Thomas Jefferson died July 4 , 1826 Thomas Jefferson died at the age of 83 My person is not still alive There is a memorial for Thomas Jefferson
conclusion Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was the third president. Thomas Jefferson saved Sacagawea. Thomas Jefferson also lived in two places and he lived in one place two times and the other place one time. Thomas Jefferson also got his face on Mount Rushmore.
References Mrs. Fishel Monsell, Helen. Childhood of Famous Americans: Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United Sates. 1939. Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. print