Scaffolding the Research Process (6-12) GALILEO Scaffolding the Research Process (6-12) Russell Palmer
Scaffolding Instructional techniques and assignments that build confidence, understanding, and ultimately, independence Middle and High School students are expected to do research It is easy to overwhelm them causing: Fear Intimidation Procrastination
My experience with scaffolding Students arrive at college Instructor expectations not aligned with student research and writing skills Librarians assist with: Reconciling faculty expectations with reality Integrating a scaffolded approach to research Research assignment suggestions that build confidence
Refining inquiry
Assignment ideas
Concept Mapping “A graphical map of the relationship between terms” Helps students: Understand all the aspects of a topic Narrow a broad topic to something more reasonable Discover terms they can use in their research Helps teachers: Identify gaps in student knowledge Assessment Activity doesn’t require a lot of complicated materials (post its will do) Learn more:
Practice choosing the right resource
The annotated bibliography Excellent preparation for a deeper research project Improves several different skills: Critical reading/thinking/writing Citing sources properly Understanding different types of resources Scaffolds toward a larger research project: Develops better understanding of a topic Helps to refine the topic Reduces the research burden for later assignments For a good overview with examples: 593/The_Annotated_Bibliography.pdf
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GALILEO Special Project: National History Day
Hands on time! We have seen some ideas and resources for engaging 6-12 students in the classroom Get together in groups of 3 Brainstorm: Create 3 (one each) ideas for engaging 6-12 students in inquiry You’ll also find a list to spark your creativity at: Consider: Grade level/curriculum Building a bridge to confidence in research and writing How GALILEO resources will help Learning outcomes Be ready to share: Target age group/grade level Idea Resources used
Sharing your ideas Volunteers (if not, I call on you): A few sentences about your idea including: Target age group/grade level Idea Resources used Learning outcomes
Thank you!