ultraSPARC과 SIC/XE Machine 비교 20032572 ( 219 ) 컴퓨터학부 박 연 호 www.themegallery.com
ultraSPARC Architecture ultraSPARC architecture is designed to be a target for optimizing compilers and high-performance hardware implementations. ultraSPARC architecture allows for a spectrum of processor and system implementations at a variety of price/applications, including scientific/engineering, programming, real-time, and commercial apllications.
Memory SIC/XE Machine ultraSPARC Structure 1 byte – 8 bit 1 word – 3 byte All address on SIC/XE are byte address Words are addressed by lowest numbered byte Max memory size – 1 Mbyte (220bytes) ultraSPARC 1 word – 4 byte All address on ultraSPARC are byte Address Use Big-endian and Little endian Max memory size – 264 bytes virtual memory
Register SIC/XE Machine ultraSPARC 9 registers Register name All have their own special purpose 24-bit length Register name A (Accumulator), X (Index), L (Linkage), PC (Program Counter), SW (Status Word) B (BaseRegister), S, (General register) T (General register), F (Floating register) ultraSPARC More than 100 registers 32-bit length Only 32 registers can use for User r0~r7 is global register, other 24 register use register file 64 double-precision floating-point register
Data Format - 1 SIC/XE Machine Integer : 24-bit binary number 2’s complement representation -223 ~ 223 -1 Character : 8-bit ASCII code Floating-point : 48-bit floating-point data type S: sign of fraction (0=positive, 1=negative) Fraction: the high-order bit of the fraction must be 1 Exponent: unsigned binary number (0 ~ 2047) Absolute value = fraction * 2(exp - 1024)
Data Format - 2 ultraSPARC Integer : 8-,16-,32-.64-bit binary number Character : 8-bit ASCII code
Data Format - 3 <- 32bit 64bit -> <- 128bit Floating-point : 32-,64-,128-bit binary number <- 32bit 64bit -> <- 128bit
Instruction Format - 1 SIC/XE Machine
Instruction Format - 2 ultraSPARC All instruction on SPARC have 32bit format SPARC have three basic Format First two bit determine format
Addressing Modes - 1 SIC/XE Machine Use relative addressing Extend the address field to 20 bits
Addressing Modes - 2 ultraSPARC Immediate mode Register direct mode
Instruction Set - 1 SIC/XE Machine ultraSPARC Load & Store : LDA, LDX, LDL, LDCH, STA, STX, STL, STCH, STSW Arithmetic & Logical : ADD, ADDR, SUB, SUBR, MUL, DIV, AND, OR, TIX Compare : COMP Control : J, JLT, JEQ, JGT I/O : SIO, TIO, HIO ultraSPARC Load & Store : LDD, LDDA, LDDF, LDDFA, LDSH, STB, STBA, STD, STDF, STW Arithmetic & Logical : ADD, ADDC, AND, ANDN, FDIV, FMUL, AND, ANDN, OR, ORN… Compare : CASA, CASXA, FCMP Control : JMPL I/O : Not operator. Using load, store operator access TSB
Instruction Set - 2
Instruction Set - 3
Instruction Set - 4
Instruction Set - 5
Instruction Set - 6
Instruction Set - 9
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