1-14 DFX Standard Subcommittee Monday, October 15, 2018 @ 8:00 AM Co-Chairs: Karen McConnell, Dock Brown, Stephen Golemme Please scan your badge to record attendance
Agenda Welcome Introductions Antitrust Statement Principles of Standardization Patent Policy Review Minutes and Action Items from last meeting Review Project History Ballot Information Comment Resolution Plan next revision Review action items Please scan your badge to record attendance
Introduction Introductions (Name, Company, Position/Function, What is your expectation of this group) Assign a scribe to take minutes and provide them with the IPC form. Electronic minutes are preferred if someone has a portable computer, but all the elements on the IPC Minutes Form should be covered. At the close of the meeting, the minutes (hand written or on a disc) should be turned over to the IPC staff liaison Please provide a copy to me – karen.mcconnell@ngc.com Please scan your badge to record attendance
Review of IPC Policies Antitrust Statement Principles of Standardization Patent Policy Please scan your badge to record attendance
Review Minutes from last meeting 1-14 DFX Standard Subcommittee Downloaded from 1-14 section of ipc.kavi.com 1-14 DFX Standard Subcommittee Action Items Downloaded from 1-14 section of ipc.kavi.com Please scan your badge to record attendance
Project History 1-14 DFX Standard Subcommittee Please scan your badge to record attendance
History New document for IPC Goal is an online linked document Lockheed Martin donated their process as a starting point Comment review prior to submitting for ballot resulted in 45 comments Developed an aggressive schedule at Fall meeting. IPC re-assigned Nancy to another project which impacted the aggressive schedule Karen assumed document facilitator role (APEX 2017) Stephen Golemme was named as 3rd Co-Chair of this committee Industry ballot on document (2018-08-22) Please scan your badge to record attendance
Approval of IPC-2231 Proposed Standard for Ballot Affirmative 18 100% Negative w/comments 0 0% Abstain 0 0% Editorial comments were submitted during balloting. Please scan your badge to record attendance
Resolove IPC-2231 Comments from Industry Ballot Comment Review Note: Karen looked up acronym and documented suggested response on last comment. Please scan your badge to record attendance
Revision A Planning Create PIN Why are we going to revision? Who is willing to work on the revision? Revision plan Meetings – how often Volunteers for writing new / update information Linked document update Who at IPC is working this item? Who within the committee is willing to work this item? Karen, Please scan your badge to record attendance
Review New Action Items 1-14 DFX Standard Subcommittee Please scan your badge to record attendance