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Abe lincoln He was an animal lover He wanted women to vote in 1836 He practiced law without a degree Feb. 12 1809 Social Studies Has four sons. Said I might become a lawyer because I argue in class. Mr. Kitty Cat
Stonewall g January 21,1824 I played a major roll in the battle of Bull Run. I am part of the South. Fun fact about me I am exzactly six feet tall. Histery I have a wife and three kids. I got shot in the hand and im in the hospital. I think the Confederates are going to win so don’t worry about me. Mrs.histery
Harriet Tubman I hate slavery. I made the underground railroad and never got caught. I was born as a slave. I married John Tubman in 1844. I wear a many hats. I only have one daughter. I have life-long headaches. My first name is Araminta. March 1822 Math Her mom’s name was Harriet Ross. Mrs. Ramey
April 27,1822 I was a great general and leader. I was the commander for the union army. I was the 18th president. Being president He moved his family back to missouri. He was good in mathmatics and geology excelled in horesmenship. He was shy and reserved.
Henry Lee III/Father Robert E. Lee January 19 1807 I am against slavery but I was a general in the Confederate army. The Union asked me to join them before the war. Reading war books Henry Lee III/Father Thinks slaves are people too not property. You will be a great leader.
Nat Turner Oct. 2 1800 Sup, my name is Nat Turner! I was 5-6 feet. I was a slave in Virginia. I led a revolt against plantation owners in Virginia. Math I do not have a wife or children I was a brave man to stand up to slavery so that’s why I’m famous. Mrs. Multiplication
John Brown May 9 1800 I did a raid on Harpers Ferry, I don’t like slavery, I live in the South. suck History He had 20 children “no slavery anymore” Mr. Flocker
Jefferson Davis June 3, 1808 1.You were born in a log cabin. 2.I was president of the confederacy.3.I was named after Thomas Jefferson. Studying about people He has a brother named jonathan junior . He will be president