Multimedia Principles and techniques Edexcel Applied ICT
Images: Colour Colour schemes Important part of multimedia project Colour can be a very emotive issue Multimedia packages use code for each colour RGB (Red Green Blue) Hex
Task: Investigate Colour Schemes Use Experiment with different colour schemes Can you work out what each rule does? For a chosen colour scheme, Note down the RGB and the Hex values for 5 colours Take a screenshot and add to our padlet page
Task Use these colours to create a mood board Open Photoshop Create new document – a4 Draw a 5 circle shapes Fill each with the colour from scheme
Contrast, brightness and hue Contrast = the difference between highlights and shadows Brightness = the overall brightness of picture Hue = changing hue, changes the colours of picture
Changing Contrast, brightness and hue Locate an photo appropriate for your project on Google (“stock image”) Paste into Photoshop doc Tweak Brightness & Contrast Tweak Hue Create 3 versions of this image in doc Label with what you changed
Web Safe Colours? At one time many computer displays were only capable of displaying 256 colours. Older websites needed to ensure that the colours they used were would look ok on these old monitors Not needed any more!
Cropping Photoshop has several tools Shortcuts Marquee Tool Lasso Tool Magic Wand tool Shortcuts CTRL-D deselects SHIFT-CTRL-I inverts selection
Task: Find an image that can be cropped and add it to your Moodboard Use the cropping tools to cut out the background Position it in front of the other layers Save PSD Also File > Save For web (700px wide) Upload to Padlet Extension: Look at Filters