Assyrian Empire Essential Questions: How did the Assyrian Empire become the most powerful state in the Middle-East? Why was brutality, mass deportation and torture a common practice of the Assyrian Empire?
Questions Notes Title: Key Dates Question: 745-612 B.C. Assyrian Empire 746-721 B.C. Tiglath-Pileser III overthrows the reigning Assyrian Emperor and conquers Syria 722-705 B.C. Sargon II conquers Egypt, putting Mesopotamia, the Near East, and Egypt under one government for the First time. 612 B.C. Fall of Nineveh and collapse of the Assyrian Empire 612- 539 B.C. What was the Assyrian Empire was divided by once conquered people, Egyptians, Medes and Babylonians
Questions Notes Title: Assyrian Culture Question: The Assyrians were Mesopotamians, their major cities were Ashur and Nineveh, and were a war centered people. The Assyrians used torture, brutality, and deportation, as a means of stopping rebellions and instilling fear into their enemies. Commanders and kings enjoyed torturing as well. The Assyrians had a monarchy with all power centralized through the king. What was unique in their culture for the time was that the Assyrians only promoted and rewarded soldiers based on merit.
Questions Notes Title: Great Kings and Conquest Question: Shalmaneser III (859–824 BC), was king for 35 years, in which the capital of Ashur was converted into an armed camp. He conquered all of Mesopotamia and forced tribute from Syria and Israel. Tiglath-Pileser III came to the throne as Pul, and Assyrian general who killed the previous king and vanquished all rivals. He conquered Syria and half of Israel, as well as establishing armies and messengers in each area he controlled. Sargon II conquered all of Israel, and Egypt. He forced conquered people to leave their homes and live in his capital.
Questions Notes Title: Warfare and Downfall Question: Ancient Assyria created a society where military service was mandatory for all Assyrian men. Under their greatest rulers, the Assyrian empire had an army of 120,000 men. (Largest at this point in History) The army was divided into four divisions; Household bodyguards, military specialists (cavalry, archers, slingers), “Kings men” (Men given land for military service), and a Citizen militia (composed of a standing army and veterans). Assyrians fell from power as a result of civil wars, and a group rebellion led by the Egyptians and Babylonians who were tired of their brutality.