5QC Update IPSG Meeting Lisbon, 15 November 2007
Agenda Introduction BP workshops organisation (ref : manual) Agoras organisation (ref : manual) Dedicated sessions Demographic challenge Customer satisfaction management Focus on quality policies Stands exhibition (ref : manual) Communication
Preparation and organisation of best practice workshops Format of WS sessions : 100 min 3 cases per workshop 6 to 7 workshops in parallel 3 times during the conference Case presenters Free access to the conference (2 people per case) Must master English or French Facilitators Task Chairing the session Questioning the presenters Establishing links and comparisons Organising interaction with the audience Preparation of the workshop ahead Experience of facilitation and knowledge of the subject Must master English or French
1. Preparation and organisation of best practice workshops Facilitators Free access to the conference Transport and accomodation paid Selected among IPSG members or proposed by IPSG members (in February 2008) Critical friends process No drastic change in the procedure Geographical proximity must be taken into account Paired countries can agree to different operating modes (DVD…) PROPOSAL : If 2 MS want to work together, they must let it know France will make suggestions (if needed)
BP workshops : what is next Cases selection IPSG : send 1st version of the detailed description : Nov 30, 2007 Sci. Rapporteurs : Constitution of the workshops Jan 20, 2008 5QC team : return and comments of the description Jan 30, 2008 IPSG/Case presenters Final vers. detailed description March 30, 2008 Facilitators 5QC team : Call for facilitators Feb 2008 5QC team : Selection of facilitators March 2008 Critical friends « match making » IPSG : suggested agreed MS pairs Dec 31, 2007 5QC team : finalisation of the pairing Jan 30, 2008
2. Preparation and organisation of the agoras – Format of agoras : 60 min 2 to 4 panellists (speakers) 4 sessions in parallel 3 times during the conference (total 12) Panellists No formal presentation Free access, transport and accomodation Must master English or French
2. Preparation and organisation of the agoras Facilitators Will be selected early Task Clarifying the positioning of the agora (with 5QC team) Scripting the agora Chairing the agora Must master English or French Experience of facilitation and knowledge of the subject Free access, transport and accomodation Selected among IPSG members or suggested by IPSG
2. Preparation and organisation of the agoras : What is next 5QC Team / IPSG : selection of facilitators 30 nov 2007 5QC Team : confirmation of panellists 30 nov 2007 Clarification of the positionning of the agoras 15 jan 2008
3. Dedicated sessions Subjects to be highligted CSM, Demographic challenge, work of IPSG on quality policies These sessions must clearly differ from workshops with cases selected by the countries, to avoid confusion Suggestion : having 3 sesions called « infoshops » or « masterclass » presenting : 2 or 3 of Tools of CSM, according to the priorities of MS and decision of DGs (cf EIPA’s report) 2 or 3 examples on how PA are coping with the demographic challenge 2 or 3 examples of work of IPSG on quality policies. Next steps 5QC team writes guidelines for these sessions Jan 30, 2008
4. Stand exhibition 3 types of stands Give guidelines to « country » stands (according to their priorities) Quality policies Exemplary achievements Humorous screenplay… Theme Stands CAF EUPAN stand will present work done by IPSG and other WG different sections Will be coordinated by France, but presence of « real » EUPAN people shall be organised « Citizen stands » Organisations representing citizen at the european level
4. Stand exhibition Standard equipment free of charge 9 sq m module 3 chairs, one electric socket Fixing panel Reception booth Wifi Additional equipment available on a paid basis Computer equipment Audiovisual equipment …
4. Stand exhibition : what is next 5QC team : invite potential exhibitors Nov 30, 2007 Exhibitors : confirmation of the stands Jan 31, 2008 Exhibitor : Logistical needs May 15, 2008
5. Communication To reach potential participants to 5QC, in order that they take note of the date. By Dec, 15, 5QC team sends to IPSG a document (electronic), presenting the 5QC, with a draft of the program IPSG members to broadcast in MS Feedback is expected (sent to how many people, what kind of organisation, …)
Thank you… ... For your attention