Service Project Welcome Greet students and welcome them back. Remember you already meet them earlier ☺ Welcome
Video Watch the video Ask students to talk to their partner about how they can be AWESOME and FILLED with love to change help change the Region? (1 min) Ask for students to share out some quick ideas. Write down the ideas ( BIG, Student should be able to see them ) 5 minutes max
Objective By the end of today’s session, EHS region leaders will have brainstormed ideas for 1-2 service projects that will service their community and/or region. Share the Objectives with students and explain it ☺
5 -7 minutes Have students see the videos of services projects and Why
Who or what needs this service project?? Votes for this Service Project Why is it important? Service Project 7-10 minutes Discuss issues that need attention in our region and brainstorm ways to address the problem Think about experiences you’ve had, articles you’ve read, people you know, or things you’ve heard about our region Write them down on the board as they SHARE OUT IDEAS PICK one SERVICE PROJECT ( Have students Vote for one service Project to Elaborate on) In your discussion, ask questions like: Which of these needs has the most meaning to our region? Why? Do we see any common concerns that are a part of several needs? What needs do we really feel strongly about
Let’s plan… How will it be done? Use the question to help you elaborate on the service project Participants Roles? Who will do what? Describe the service Why is it important ? Choose your speakers 7-10 minutes Elaborate on the service project ( POSTER SIZE TO TAKE TO THE CAFETERIA) Tell students --- REMEMBER< they will be 5 other groups with Service Projects and as a region we will condense to 1-2> We need to sell our Service Project !!! Who or what needs this service project? 20 min
Closure Look for a person that you met today? Share 3 things you will do to help with this service project Look for a person who you have not had a chance to talk to today? Ask 2 questions you still have about this service project Look for a student who has the same color of shoes ? 3 minutes later We are closing today’s activity by completing this quick exit ticket. Volunteers to share out? Please turn in your Exit ticket as you walk out. Share one opinion you have about this service project Closure