Scientific Notation pages 402–404 Exercises 11. 3.25 10–3 22. 0.0048 ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 8-2 pages 402–404 Exercises 1. No; 55 > 10. 2. yes 3. No; 0.9 < 1. 4. yes 5. yes 6. No; 46 > 10. 7. 9.04 109 8. 2.0 10–2 9. 9.3 106 10. 2.17 104 11. 3.25 10–3 12. 8.003 106 13. 9.2 10–4 14. 1.56 10–2 15. 500 16. 0.05 17. 2040 18. 720,000 19. 0.897 20. 1.3 21. 0.0000274 22. 0.0048 23. 10–3, 10–1, 100, 101, 105 24. 6 10–10, 8 10–8, 9 10–7, 7 10–6 25. 0.52 10–3, 50.1 10–3, 4.8 10–1, 56 10–2 26. 5300 10–1, 5.3 105, 0.53 107, 530 108 27. C, A, B 28. 5.6 10–2 29. 2.4 1015 8-2
national debt is expressed in dollars, use standard Scientific Notation ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 8-2 30. 6.0 101 31. 3.18 10–3 32. 2.46 10–3 33. 3.4 105 34. 5400 35. 7 101 36. 1 101 37. 4.6 10–2 38. 0.0005 39. 3 10–26 43. 2.796 1010 instructions; 1.6776 1012 instructions 44. Answers may vary. Sample: Since the national debt is expressed in dollars, use standard notation, which most people will understand, rather than scientific notation, which is used mainly in science. 45. a. 5 1014 b. about 1.6 108 years 40. Answers may vary. Sample: Yes, if you regard the 1 in 1 105 as “understood” as happens when 1 is the coefficient of a term like x, then 105 is in scientific notation. 41. 48 million = 48 106. Write 48 in scientific notation; then add the powers of 10: 4.8 101 106 = 4.8 107. 48 millionths = 48 10–6. So 4.8 101 10–6 = 4.8 10–5. 42. about $1.65 1012 8-2
[1] minor computational error Scientific Notation ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 8-2 46. about 2.61 109 people 47. a. 6.08 1010 km3 b. 1.09 1012 km3 c. 9.17 1014 km3 53. 4 54. 3 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 2 3 64 49 48. 3.3 10–3 49. D 50. G 51. C 52. [2] (8 10–4)(1000) = 0.0008 1000 = 0.8; the diameter is 0.8 mm [1] minor computational error 1 9 8-2