Introductory Paragraphs 5/15/17 Introductory Paragraphs
Do Now What does an introductory paragraph consist of? Grab a computer from the computer cart and access the class website: Hover over ELA 2016-2017 and scroll down to Unit 3. Scroll down to today’s date and click on the lesson steps. Quietly and independently answer the 2 questions, below on a separate sheet of paper in complete sentences. What does an introductory paragraph consist of? What information should an introductory paragraph within a research paper contain?
Final Chance During the next 15 minutes, please complete your outline worksheet. You must type your final outline within your portfolio folder. Your paper outline was due ABOUT A WEEK AGO WEEK AGO…….
PowerPoint presentation Research Worksheets page 30-33
Exit ticket Please choose the type of introduction you want to use for your research paper: Anecdote, Overview, Interesting Information. On your outline document, please write/type your introductory paragraph above your thesis statement. Your paragraph should be at the least 5-8 sentences. This is necessary! Please do not disregard this task!
Homework Directions: Using the Outline and research sandwich workshop worksheet as your guide, please copy your introductory paragraph, highlighting your claim, and three supporting points of interest which represents each body paragraph Remember the formula that we established as a means for creating a thesis: Subject+Claim+3 reasons of support/argumentative points = Thesis Statement Remember the acronym that we established for implementing research and creating supporting details: YRY= Your words, Research, Your words. Today was the actual due date for your research sandwiches. Please make sure that they are complete!!!