Agenda Lunch / Introductions Opening activity Data walk Story behind the data A couple of project ideas
2016 Percent Proficiency (Academic) 30% gap for both income and race
Important factors in children’s success…. Prenatal care for mothers Normal birth weight Food, housing and income security for children and their parents Safe and low stress home and childcare environments Strong, warm, supportive relationships for children with parents and childcare providers Quality, affordable childcare access Parent education level Family opportunities to participate in home visitation programs such as parents as teachers Numerous experiences with books and being read to Rich language used in the home with child/parent discussions using adult vocabulary Consistent expectations and routines established by parents and care givers Regular doctor and dental appointments
What is the story behind this data?
Population Results All children enter school healthy and ready to succeed All families are safe, healthy and prosperous
Results in the Center… In what ways can you work within your role to directly or indirectly contribute to the result? (Take a minute to write on card before sharing)
Two potential Projects….. Planning Proposal: Students at the Center Challenge Two-generation model