WHAT IS A TEST? A test is a method of measuring a person's ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain. A test: provides accurate measures, has a beneficial effect on teaching, is economical in terms of time and money.
Testing and assessment Why is testing and assessment so important? Testing and assessment are part of modern life. educational progress quality of school system job promotion entrance to institutions FUNDEMANTAL BUT CONTROVERSIAL
Testing and assessment Classroom tests (Which one is the best?) Decision-making (grades, remedial classes) Two important characteristics: VALIDITY vs. RELIABILITY
Validity vs. reliability Neither Valid nor Reliable Fairly Valid but not very Reliable Reliable but not Valid Valid & Reliable
Defining validity Validity is the central concept in testing and assessment. A test is said to be valid to the extent that it measures what it is supposed to measure. Any given test then may be valid for some purposes, but not for others. Validity may be determined in a variety of ways (empirical or non-empirical).
Defining validity Validity is a relative concept. Messic states: "Validity is a matter of degree, not all or none." Brown says: "There is no final, absolute measure of validity."
TYPES OF VALIDITY Content validity Face validity Construct validity Criterion-referenced validity Consequential validity
CONTENT validity Hughes says: "A test is said to have content validity if its content constitutes a representative sample of the language skills, structures, etc." A comparison of test specification and test content is the basis for judgments as to content validity. Judgments should be made by experts in the field.
CONTENT validity TEST SPECIFICATIONS Test specifications are an official statement of what the test tests and how it tests it. It is a description of the test, written beforehand, which includes such information as what the purpose of the test is, what will be covered by the test, how it will be tested, etc. Test specifications are written before the test, and then the test is written based on them. After the test is finished, the specifications should be consulted to see whether they match the test that was written, preferably by someone not directly connected with the writing of the test. Test specifications can help the teacher clarify whether the test covers what it is intended to cover in the way it is supposed to cover it.
CONTENT validity TEST SPECIFICATIONS 1. What is the purpose of the test? 2. What sort of learner will be taking the test? 3. How many sections should the test have, and how long should they be? 4. What text types should be used in the test? 5. What language skills should be tested? 6. What language elements should be tested? 7. What test methods are used? 8. What criteria will be used for assessment?
CONTENT validity Why is it so important? more likely it is to be an accurate measure of what it is supposed to measure backwash effect (positive vs. negative)
CONTENT VALIDITY what is easy to test? vs. what is important to test? Content validation should be carried out while a test is being developed. Testing performance directly is important for content validity.
CONTENT VALIDITY Time and budget constraints of language teachers Careful consideration about purpose, content, objectives, examinee etc.
«measure what you are supposed to measure, nothing else.» CONTENT VALIDITY To achieve content validity: plan the course content (What has been taught till the test?), sample the content in the most suitable way. «measure what you are supposed to measure, nothing else.»