Welcome! March 3rd, 2017 Friday Do Now Get your folder from the front crate and find your seat Begin working on your Daily Edit paragraph. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find all 10 mistakes in today’s paragraph. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
Friday March 3, 2017 Has you seen the painting that shows a father and his unmarried daughter. The father in the painting is holding a pitch fork. That classic painting called American gothic was created by Grant Wood. Wood was born near Anamosa, Iowa, in February 1891. He left Anamosa on the nite of his high school graduation to enroll in art school. Later, he studyed in Europe. "A true art expression," he said "must grow up from the soil itself.
Journal Heading Name 3/3/17 CP 10 Block # Hamlet Act 4, Scenes 4-5
CASTING CALL! Act 4, Scene 4-5 Parts: Ophelia Fortinbras Horatio Captain Messenger Hamlet Laertes Rosencrantz Guildenstern
Hamlet: Act 4, Scenes 4-5 Main Idea: Why does Hamlet get so upset when he learns about what Fortinbras is doing? Use textual evidence to support your response. Inferred Main Idea: What is the public’s reaction to Polonius’s death and funeral? What does this tell us about how the Danes view Claudius? Use textual evidence to support your response. Hidden Meaning: What has changed about Laertes’ personality from Act 1? Use textual evidence to support your response. Inferred Main Idea: According to the gentleman, how do people react to Ophelia’s “mad talk”? Is it similar to how people react to Hamlet’s mad talk? Or different? Explain. Hidden Meaning: In this passage, a character acts as a foil for Hamlet. Who is it, and in what way is (s)he opposite from Hamlet? Use textual evidence to support your response. Inferred Main Idea: Like Hamlet, there is a “method” to Ophelia’s madness. In addition to her father’s death, what is Ophelia so upset about? Use textual evidence to support your response. Hidden Meaning: On page 88, Ophelia does something that suggests she might know more than she lets on. What does she do, and what might she know? Use textual evidence to support your response.