Odyssey of the Mind 2017-18
Odyssey of the Mind Program Teaches: To think divergently by providing open-ended problems that appeal to a wide range of interests. To identify challenges To think creatively to solve those problems. Free to express their ideas and suggestions without fear of criticism. The creative problem-solving process rewards thinking “outside of the box” This program teaches them how to work in a group setting, learn new skills and become confident, independent thinkers.
Odyssey of the Mind in HPMS PTA does not support Membership is sponsored by our OOTM HPMS/HHS non-profit board Teams are responsible for payment to : Regional Competition Cost ($65) Coaches’ Training (if you are new coach) $60 Master Spontaneous Training (Only for coach - $65) T-shirt for team ($12) State Competition Cost ($65 – if your team moves on to State)
Odyssey of the Mind Team Structure 1 - 2 coaches 5 – 7 team members 1 – 2 meetings per week, usually 2 hours min. More meetings closer to the tournament time. Each team must have 1 volunteer who will work a 2-hour shift at the Regional Competition Each team must have 1 Judge who will get train for ½ day (Feb 10, 2018) and judge on the Regional Competition day
Odyssey of the Mind Important Dates New Coaches’ Training October 28/November 11, 2017 TBD Spontaneous Coaches’ Workshop December 2, 2017 TBD Judges Training February 10, 2018 (snow date 2/18) TBD
Odyssey of the Mind Important Dates Regional Competition March 17, 2018 John Champe HS South Riding, VA State Competition April 14, 2018 Menchville HS Newport News, VA World Finals Competition May 23-26, 2018 Iowa State University Ames, IA
Odyssey of the mind Online Form can be found on Harper Park Middle School website It is under the “Activities” tab, Please register your child online!! OOTM Registration Any questions, please email Pink at odyssey.harperpark@gmail.com