Welcome Students AP Human Geography Class Procedures Mr. Gronich
Edline is for Grades Website is for all else Edline is for Grades Website is for all else!! The Weekly Agenda : Every Monday a weekly agenda is posted on the website. You are responsible to know what is on the agenda and check the website often for changes A Very Basic Overview!!!
Bathroom Passes – There are two You MUST Sign out and sign back in. Wait until directions are given and class has started before asking to go to the bathroom. You will never be denied. Don’t abuse the privilege. . CLASSROOM SUPPLIES Notebook (3-ring) · Pens/pencils for essay assignments · Colored pencils /Markers/crayons · Optional – Personal stapler – Whole puncher Four Section tabs with (Pockets) Sections to include: 1) Notes 2) Handouts 3) Hand backs 4) Work to turn in (i.e. HW) Have By Monday!!!
Tardy Policy Is School Policy In Seat AT The Bell 1. Warning 2 Tardy Policy Is School Policy In Seat AT The Bell 1. Warning 2. Before School Detention 3. Before School Detention (Phone Home) 4. Dean Referral Phone Calls/Guests/Intercom Continue Working… No Noise unless requested
CLASS EXPECTATIONS Each student will come to class on time. Students are to be in their seat when the bell rings. (Be Here) Students must come to class with all necessary materials (pen/pencil, social studies notebook, plan book, any assigned work each day. (Be Ready) Each student will listen to and follow directions the first time given. (Listen) Each student will demonstrate behavior that promotes learning for the entire class Be Great!!! All work is due on the date assigned!!! As AP students remember I will treat you as college students – Act like one…
Bullying - Don’t Be One Not Tolerated At All Let me know Speak up and tell someone!!!
Phones - Only with my permission. Referral may written
Consequences: This should not be a problem 1. Warning 2. Before School Detention 3. Before School Detention (Phone Home) 4. Dean Referral (Parent Conference) ***Immediate Referral: Lack of respect, profanity, major disruption, unsafe behavior Rewards: Your supposed to Be Good
Your work is your responsibility!!!! Expectation Sheet /Accountability Form/ AP Contract Student/Parent Accountability Form & Contract are signed by parent and you, it will be turned in for a full Homework Grade by Wed.. In/Out Box and the stamp All completed work is stamped. This means the work was turned in on time. work is collected & goes in the in box. All work must meet quality of a ninth grade honor student. Stamped work does not guarantee a grade. All completed work turned in on time is stamped. Keep All work for study (Semester Exams and AP Exam ) this year and accountability. is to be kept (edline problems) Your work is your responsibility!!!!
Webpage and edline badantweb.com All assignments, notes handouts, agendas, rubrics, writing and study tips, everything you need can be found on the website!!! The webpage can be accessed directly from edline. Edline is for grades only!!! Edline: Check grades for accuracy. If you loose a hand out it is your responsibility to print it out yourself!!!
Food and Drink in Class Drinks should have a cap no slushy drinks from the cafeteria all drinks require a coaster NO EXCEPTION Food dry snacks only. No meals!! All Food Requires a Place Matt! Make a mess clean it up!!! Do Not Make Our Custodians do your job Food in class is a privilege.
My Dog!!!! Trooper I am a musician in my other life!!!