ASAC Charge 4 September 2004 Consider in more detail how the choice of objects for demonstration science with ALMA might be made and in particular how to facilitate involvement by the broader community in that process •Call for ideas at workshops •Teams of project experts and community non-experts execute the project end-to-end (from definition to publication) •Should be start of early science, not preceding it •Should not be done too early (best when > 16 elements of the array available) Who approves Demo Science? The Board? JAO/Project Scientist? TAC/PRC?
ANASAC Views Community seeks to participate in CSV/DS activites 3-6 month visits to SCO/OSF Sabbatical/travel/logistical support from NRAO Or visits to NA ASC Demonstration Science=Outreach Science Community participation Compelling scientifically and visually Endorse ‘open skies’ policy