Find your seat quickly and quietly! Silently read the lab safety contract provided & then sign it Please take it home for your parents to read & sign tonight (HW) You may not participate in any labs without turning this sheet in!
“Cringe worthy Lab SAFETY” Video clip
“Wise” rules AND PROCEDURES These will make sure we have a smooth, easy, enjoyable year!
Rule #1 Be in your assigned seat and working on the Mind Stretcher when the tardy bell rings. (What’s a Mind Stretcher?) Frequent tardiness will result in a mark to your behavior plan.
Copy the question!!!
Mind Stretcher: 8-1-17 Example: 1. What do you do when arriving to science class each day? I will come in quietly and sit down. I’ll copy the HW in my agenda I’ll write the Mind Stretcher question and begin answering it
Be Prepared! Need to borrow a pencil every once in a while? You may take ONE off the magnetic board near the front of the room… ALL 4 MUST be returned to the board BEFORE anyone will be dismissed from class!! My “Materials Manager” will help ensure pencils are returned daily
rule #2 Bring ALL books and materials to class and take them with you when you leave.
Maximize learning time by staying focused on the task. rule #3 Maximize learning time by staying focused on the task.
Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity. rule #4 Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity.
Follow all procedures & policies in your LMS agenda Rule #5 Follow all procedures & policies in your LMS agenda
Following Class rules will result in: Verbal Praise A stress free learning environment A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere
Not Following rules will result in: Teachable Moment/Warning Documentation in ParentVUE & Student/Teacher discussion Silent Lunch Detention and Parent Conference Office Referral *Parental Contact and a Behavior Mark will occur at each level beyond the initial warning!
Severe Clause Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY and will receive an office referral.
Class Procedures As Montell Jordan would say, “This is how we do it…”
Entering the room Please enter quietly & have a seat Place your agenda on top of your desk Review the board & copy HW into agenda Begin the Mind Stretcher
When you are tardy Enter quietly Excused or Unexcused: Take your seat, put your agenda (with or without your pass) on your desk. I will come to you. Take out your materials and begin working silently. No pass in agenda= Behavior mark/ (Tardy) in ParentVUE after first warning
Need a pass out of class? When I am not addressing the class (and it’s not the first or last 10 minutes of the period), you may write a pass in your agenda with the destination and time Bring it to me to initial Write your name & destination on the “Need to Leave” board using the marker in the cup When you return, erase your name from the board and get back to work! I don’t write the pass…I only sign it! Have your pass ready when you ask to leave!
Getting your attention I will stand in front of the class I will say “3-2-1, FREEZE”. No students should be talking when I get to “freeze”.
Have Trash? Throw it away at the END of class when you are dismissed!!
Have a zero & think you turned in your paper on time? LOOK HERE!
After an excused absence Go to the blog and find out what you missed that day. Do this before you return. Print any hand-outs from the blog. Check the “Class Agenda” calendar for any other items you may have missed. Extra hand-outs may also be found in the “MISSED WORK” yellow class folders under the calendar. Extra Tutoring is available as needed before school…please speak with me to arrange it.
Any Questions over the class rules or procedures?