Back to School Night Monday August 14, 2017 For Students and Parents 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Please mark your calendar for our Back to School Night event. Parents and students will begin in 1st hour, view a short video from FC Principal Dr. Martin, and then follow an abbreviated bell schedule. This night is designed for teachers to share basic class information and for students to walk their schedules again before the first day of school. Please do not plan on conferencing with teachers during this time. Please contact the teacher individually through e-mail or their phone extension to share individual student information. Parking: This is typically a very well attended event. We have arranged for shuttle busses to transport families who cannot park on campus. Two shuttle bus locations are marked with a star on the map to the right. Shuttles will take students to and from the FC during their time of operation. Shuttles will begin at 5:30 pm and end at 8:15 pm. The shuttle locations are Central Office and the former First Baptist Church location.