LO: to understand what Christians believe about the nature of God C1 Christianity 18/01/2019 What is ‘God’ like? Starter Task 1) What are the Final FIVE Facts from last lesson? LO: to understand what Christians believe about the nature of God Christians believe in only 1 God 3 main branches – orthodox, catholic and protestant Church split in 1054 Decalogue/ Exodus 20/Ten Commandments say you should have no other God’s before me God is spirit – Luke 24:39, John 4:24 Ready for more to analyse the nature of God and how this is reconciled with problems in the world To explain the nature of God with (Biblical) examples Practise to describe how Christians see God’s nature Not sure to identify some examples of what ‘God’ is like Grade 8-9 Grade 6-7 Grade 4-5 Grade 2-3
One God Unity means being one. Christians believe in one God and everything in the universe came from him. This is outlined in the Decalogue (Exodus 20): ‘I am the Lord your God…you shall have no other gods before me’. In Genesis 1 God is at the start of creation ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’ Grade 8-9: analyse the nature of God and how this is reconciled with problems in the world Grade 6-7: explain the nature of God with (Biblical) examples Grade 4-5: describe how Christians see God’s nature Grade 2-3: identify some examples of what ‘God’ is like 18/01/2019
What is ‘God’ like? Christians believe that God has different qualities. These three are: Omnipotent Benevolent Just love Grade 8-9: analyse the nature of God and how this is reconciled with problems in the world Grade 6-7: explain the nature of God with (Biblical) examples Grade 4-5: describe how Christians see God’s nature Grade 2-3: identify some examples of what ‘God’ is like 18/01/2019
FOCUS TASK Complete the table of God’s qualities. Use the sheet to help you. Find and highlight the quote in your Bible to help you: Luke 1:37 John 3:16 1Corinthians 13:4 AQA Christianity p.10-11 Grade 8-9: analyse the nature of God and how this is reconciled with problems in the world Grade 6-7: explain the nature of God with (Biblical) examples Grade 4-5: describe how Christians see God’s nature Grade 2-3: identify some examples of what ‘God’ is like 18/01/2019
The Nature of God – the Bible John 3:16 God showed his love for creation by sending his only Son (Jesus) to earth: ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son’ to then die for everyone’s sins even though he was innocent. As Jesus defeated death this means those who believe in him can beat death too and go to Heaven: ‘whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ For a Christian then this is PROOF that God must be loving to do this for us and therefore would believe and trust that God will help them go to Heaven.
What reasons can you think of for not believing in God? Grade 8-9: analyse the nature of God and how this is reconciled with problems in the world Grade 6-7: explain the nature of God with (Biblical) examples Grade 4-5: describe how Christians see God’s nature Grade 2-3: identify some examples of what ‘God’ is like 18/01/2019
The problem of evil and suffering Surely if God is all loving he would not want suffering and if he was all powerful he could stop it? Christians believe God does treat people fairly and should trust in God as he cannot make the wrong judgement. Humans have freewill to choose to follow God. Grade 8-9: analyse the nature of God and how this is reconciled with problems in the world Grade 6-7: explain the nature of God with (Biblical) examples Grade 4-5: describe how Christians see God’s nature Grade 2-3: identify some examples of what ‘God’ is like 18/01/2019
The Nicene Creed One God – Monotheistic (Decalogue/ Exodus 20) All-mighty = All powerful – Omnipotent (Luke 1:37) Creator – Genesis 1 Refer back to the Nicene Creed – what is the nature of God God as Spirit (unseen – no body!) John 4:24
Final FIVE - Christianity See if you can GUESS the Final FIVE Facts on Christianity today… Luke? love God is the creator – Genesis 1 God can be described as omnipotent, benevolent and just Luke 1:37 ‘Nothing is impossible with God’ John 3:16 God so loved the world he sent his Son Jesus Love is patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13:4) Corinthians P K
Homework Your HW is to learn the Final FIVE facts from this lesson and last lesson. Each of the Final FIVE are below: Christians believe in only 1 God 3 main branches – orthodox, catholic and protestant Church split in 1054 Ten Commandments say you should have no other God’s before me God is spirit – Luke 24:39, John 4:24 God is the creator – Genesis 1 God can be described as omnipotent, benevolent and just Luke 1:37 ‘Nothing is impossible with God’ John 3:16 God so loved the world he sent his Son Jesus Love is patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13:4)