Can your employer (boss) tell you to…. BLU #8 Workers’ Rights! Can your employer (boss) tell you to…. Take off your cross necklace? Cut your hair? Shave your beard? Search your work locker? Order you to stop complaining? Charge you with theft? Tell you to wear a tie?
Yes! Constitution protects you from govt – not your employer! BUT, there are certain restrictions businesses must follow
History of Workers’ Rights None! Until 1930s Fair Labor Standards Act 1939 Minimum Wage & Overtime First minimum wage 25 cents an hour!
Child Labor Act 1949: can’t hire under 16 years old Gov. Regulation Child Labor Act 1949: can’t hire under 16 years old Civil Rights Act 1969: can’t discriminate on race, age, religion, gender Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA) 1970: health & safety training & standards
Pregnancy Protection & More! Family Medical Leave Act 1994: 12 weeks of unpaid leave for birth, illness, elder care
BLU #9: Lilly Ledbetter Many surveys show that women get approximately 77% pay of men for doing the same jobs! How can the govt allow that?