April Ms. Semper’s class Week of 04/24-28 Reminders Welcome back! I hope you had a great spring break. We are fully back into the swing of things in class. The time off can sometimes throw off students, so please help them to get back into their regular routine. In class, we have been reviewing expectations as a reminder after a relaxing break. We are all tired after a long first day back, and we will continue to review for the rest of the week. As you are aware (At least I am!), the pollen count has been extremely high this spring. If students usually suffer from seasonal allergies, they may be showing side effects at school. Nurse Cole can not give out allergy medicine if something is bothering the students. We will remind students to wash their hands and face, if necessary. Please do not send any medicine to school without speaking with Nurse Cole about options first. Thank you. We are striving to learn all of our sight words for first grade in the next quarter. I have included a list on the back of this newsletter if you need another. Please practice these words at home. Sight words give students confidence when reading more difficult text and help to improve fluency. Please continue to read at home with you child each night. Ask him/her to predict the plot based on the cover or what you have previously read. The students love to share their thoughts and then confirm/adjust their predictions. Since we are getting close to the end of the year, we focus on 1st grade level comprehension questions and really encourage the students to think and reply about what they have read. In math, we are strengthening our estimation skills. We will estimate length and capacity using non traditional measurement. Continuing with out unit on spring and Earth cycles, we are discussing Earth day and environmental preservation. We will discuss many ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle that you may be able to implement at home. ©Thrifty in Third Grade 2016 Reminders Thank you to everyone who has already purchased the Kindergarten t-shirt. We do need these for our Kindergarten celebration. Money for t-shirts was due April 10. Please send in $5.50 or a check made to Park Ridge as soon as possible. If you would like to take advantage of the book order coupon, I will submit an order to Scholastic May 1. Our class code is: PRKBM Birthdays and Other Important Dates 04/29 – Skate Night at 05/01 – 05/05 – Spirit week. Please see yellow sheet in your child’s folder for the themes. 06/01 – Kindergarten Celebration ©Thrifty in Third Grade 2016