KEY: MIDDLE EAST SOUTH AMERICA AFRICA Color in the location of where each of our Guest Speakers is from: MIDDLE EAST SOUTH AMERICA AFRICA EXCHANGE STUDENTS Jan - Philippines Tala – Gaza KEY: Dina – Georgia Name: ________________________________ Period: CORE 1 CORE 2 CORE 3 CORE 4 Shamsa - Pakistan Santiago – Colombia
KEY: EUROPE EXCHANGE STUDENTS Serif – Turkey Elena - Bulgaria Write one question that you have for each student in the box provided - think about school, government, transportation, family life, or religion. KEY: Serif - Turkey Elena - Bulgaria Yana - Ukraine Lana – Germany Lena – Germany Joan - Spain Serif – Turkey Jan - Philippines EUROPE
WRITE ONE QUESTION FOR EACH OF OUR GUESTS TALA – Palestine / Gaza YANA -Ukraine DINA – Georgia LENA and LANA - Germany WRITE ONE QUESTION FOR EACH OF OUR GUESTS SHAMSA – Pakistan ELENA - Bulgaria SANTIAGO - Columbia JOAN - Spain **Use Costa’s Level of Questioning to come up with a few Level 2 and Level 3 questions also!!
INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE STUDENTS SUMMARIZE: What did you learn and why do you think exchange student programs, like this, are important? JUST THE FACTS. What are some “NEW” things that you learned today that you didn’t know before…….. 9.) 10.) 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) Period: CORE 1 CORE 2 CORE 3 CORE 4 Name: _____________________________ INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE STUDENTS