Carpenter “Parent Night” 4th grade Ms. Ramos B19 (562) 904-3588
Attendance Attendance is linked to academic success. Please remember that it is very important that your child arrives on time and attends school each day. If your child is absent, please call the office on the day of absence.
MISS SCHOOL, MISS OUT! If all the students are here AND on time, we get to erase a letter on the board. Please try your best so that your child is here on time! Class will receive treats once all the letters are erased.
Room B19’s Schedule Monday & Wednesday ( P.E. Day) Recess 10:30-10:50 Lunch 12:15-1:05 Friday - students go home at 1:30 Computer Lab Wednesdays 8:30-9:30
Classroom Rules Follow directions the first time given. Sit in your assigned seat unless instructed to do otherwise Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Speak and behave politely and courteously to adults and other students. Come to class prepared to learn and use materials appropriately.
Come to Class Prepared!! Students should have 7 folders in their desk. Desk should be organized at all times. Does your child have crayons, a ruler, scissors, a glue stick, a dry erase marker and eraser in his or her desk?
Positive & Negative Consequences Increased learning Sense of accomplishment Verbal praise “Drawing Tickets” Table Points Class Parties NEGATIVE Warning Time-out Miss Recess Go to principal Letters home
Homework Please let me know if it’s too much homework for your child. Homework is given Monday through Thursday Students write their homework in their Patriot Planner! 30-45 minutes should be set aside each night for homework Reading 20 minutes daily, including the weekends. Practice multiplication facts through 12’s with flash cards if needed. Any work that is not finished in class, is homework. All students are responsible for self correcting their homework and reviewing thereafter. Please let me know if it’s too much homework for your child.
Reading Log Reading is a crucial part of your child’s daily homework. Your child should be reading minimum 20 minutes daily, including holidays and the weekends. Parents will need to verify the number of minutes read and initial daily on the monthly Reading Log. Add parent signature and total minutes at the end of the month.
Math Masters The most important thing you can help your child in math this year is to focus on mastering all multiplication facts as quickly as possible. Students should be able to complete 100 facts in 5 minutes or less. You can download practice tests from the class website. Practice math facts online.
Communication The key to a successful school year is communication from home to school. Phone calls (562) 904-3588 Letters home, school calendar, notes, calls
Remind 101 Using your cell phone or email, you can receive text or email reminders from Ms. Ramos. *Standard messaging rates apply for all messages received. you can leave the subject line blank
Ms. Ramos’ Class Website Students can practice their spelling words, check homework, special reminders, read a book online, review/reinforce lesson concepts, and find educational websites.
Curriculum Reading- Guided Reading, Chapter Books, Houghton Mifflin Language Arts-Skills, Grammar, Writing Math-Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Decimals, Geometry Social Studies- California History Science- Earth, Magnetism, Electricity, Rocks and Minerals Fine Arts- Music, Health, Artist Appreciation
Help Programs RSP (Mrs. Camp) Speech (Mrs. Miyagishima) ELD (Mrs. Kang) G.A.T.E (Mrs. Cid)
4th Grade Grading Scale 93% - 100% A 77% - 79 % C+ 87% - 89% B+ 70% - 72% C- 83% - 86% B 60% - 69% D 80% - 82% B- 0% - 59% F
How Did You Do? The chart below is the grading system for Room B19 A WOW! I worked hard! B GOOD! Just a few mistakes. C FAIR! I need to work harder to do my best. D WATCH-OUT! I need to pay attention in class and ask questions. F CAN’T learn if I don’t do my work.
Tests & Projects Students have at least one or two quizzes/test each week. Tests will be announced to the students prior to the test date. Projects will be announced along with the due dates.
Other Activities Student Council Gold Rush Day ASPIRE Talent Show Special Persons Day School Dances (once a month)
F.Y.I. Book Orders will be a great way to enhance your child’s/family library, and help your child become a proud and confident reader. Parent Conferences (Dec. 10th - Dec. 13th)
Scholastic News Asking for a $4.00 donation for Scholastic News Magazine I will pay the difference. If we get at least half I will oder and some students will share. Those who pay will get to keep the magazine.
Parent Volunteers Parents wishing to volunteer in class, school functions, field trips, etc. must complete a special form along with a copy of your CA driver’s license and be approved. Please check with the office for more info.
Common Core Take a Practice Test Common Core Standards Parent Handbook Supporting Your Child in Fourth Grade
Questions? Thank you for all your encouragement and cooperation! Let’s have a great year!