Parts of a Story
Parts of a Story Every story has specific parts that the reader will encounter. These “Parts of a story” are vital to any story, and they include: Plot – what are the events in the story? Setting – where does the story take place? Characters – who is in the story? Conflict – what is the main problem? Theme – what is the main message/lesson of the story? Point of View – from what perspective is the story being told?
Theme: The author’s insight or message
What is Theme? The theme in a piece of fiction is its controlling idea or its central insight. It is the author's underlying meaning or main idea that he is trying to convey.
Still confused about Theme? In fiction, the theme is not intended to teach or preach. In fact, it is not presented directly at all. It is extracted from the character, the action, and the setting that make up the story. In other words, you must figure out the theme yourself. The writer's task is to communicate on a common ground with the reader. Although the particulars of your experience may be different from the details of the story, the general underlying truths behind the story may be just the connection that both you and the writer are seeking.
Things to remember about Theme… When reading a piece of writing, you should be able to pull from the piece of writing a single, solitary Theme. A theme is one sentence A theme is not cliché A theme is not a moral A theme is not a commandment (for example, "you should not lie") M