A horrible storm aroused over the sea. The acominous scuds bisected the water, they rose it in the big waves, which bounced on the beach like bumps of the hammer and like the steel jumpers hacked the bottom of the sea and shoot little animals, testaceous animals, malacoderms from the depth about ten metres away from the sea.
When the storm passed, so fast as it arrived, the water calmed and defered. The beach was full of the bog, in which in agony were agitated thousands and thousands of starfish. There were so many starfish there, that the beach seemed coloured in pink.
One father with a child watched it; the father held his child´s hand. The little boy watched the small starfish with the eyes full of sadness. Everyone stood there, but nobody moved a finger. Suddenly the boy slipped from the father´s hand, he took his shoes off and ran to the beach. He bowed down and he took three little starfish to his small hands and he ran to put them back to the water. Then he continued with his work.
From the beton railong someone called: What do you do, boy? What do you do, boy? I´m putting the starfish back to the sea. Otherwise they all´ll die on the beach, replied the boy and ran further. I´m putting the starfish back to the sea. Otherwise they all´ll die on the beach, replied the boy and ran further. There are thousands of them here on the beach, There are so many, that you can´t save them all. Screamed the man. There are thousands of them here on the beach, There are so many, that you can´t save them all. Screamed the man. It happened on the beach of every sea, You can´t change things.! It happened on the beach of every sea, You can´t change things.!
The boy smiled, bowed down, took the other seafish and threw it back into the sea with words: For this starfish I have changed the things.
Man laced for a while, then took his shoes off and came to the beach to collect starfish and he threw them back to the sea, like the boy. After a while two other boys descended, so already four people were collecting the starfish. After a few minutes there were fifty, then hudred, two hundred, thousand of people and everyone was throwing the starfish back to the sea. And this way, they all survived.
AUTOR: Sabina Hudačová Monika Kuperová Catholic high school P. U. Oliva Poprad