Welcome! March 22nd, 2018 Thursday Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Thursday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find the errors in the post. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
© Presto Plans
You Say You Want a Revolution?! You, the students, have rebelled against the Great Leader (that’s me!). Starting when the bell rings, you will ALL need to work together to create a functioning Utopian Language Arts classroom. In order to be considered “functioning,” you will have to accomplish the following: Develop a rallying song Create a motto (ex. “Four legs good, two legs bad”) Come up with a new name for the class Write commandments (at least seven) for this new classroom Create a plan to maintain the purpose of this group as a Language Arts class (what will your classroom look like every day? What activities and lessons will you do?) Begin functioning as one in such a way that it would be obvious to an outsider looking in that this is a Language Arts classroom. You may use the tools available in this classroom to assist you in the creation of your new Utopia (markers, colored pencils, chart paper, construction paper, white boards, tape, glue, etc.) You have 90 minutes. REVOLT! You Say You Want a Revolution?!