Understanding Traumatized Children Tracy Inman, MSW (909) 534-0313 Traceeinmn@msn.com Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
What does the word Trauma Mean? Threatens the life or physical integrity of a child or a perceived threat to one’s life. Threat of someone important to that child (parent, grandparent, sibling) Chronic Trauma often causes an overwhelming sense of terror, helplessness, and horror in the child’s mind. Produces intense physical effects such as pounding heart, rapid breathing, trembling, dizziness, or loss of bladder or bowel control Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Types of Trauma in Abused and Neglected Children Acute Trauma A single event that lasts for a limited period of time. Chronic Trauma The experience of multiple traumatic events, often over a long period of time Complex Trauma Is trauma that occurs multiple times over an extended period of time and often began at a young age and is caused by the “trusted” person or persons who should have been caring for and protecting the child. Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Brain in the Palm of your Hand Dr Brain in the Palm of your Hand Dr. Dan Siegal and Mary Hartzell; Mindsight Institute Make a fist with your thumb tucked inside your fingers. Your hand is your brain, your wrist and arm are the spinal cord; carrying nerve impulses through your body. Your palm is the brain stem (Primitive Brain) which controls involuntary action, blinking eyes, digestion, breathing, heart rate. Tucked inside your palm is the middle brain the EMOTIONAL center; the fight or flight (survival) part of the brain. Back of hand and fingers - Cerebral cortex. Higher function; Rational and logical thinking/problem solving. In times of Chronic Trauma the brain stops thinking logical and rational thoughts and all thinking in forced to flow through the survival part of the brain. Chronological Age and Developmental Age are hugely different in the brain of a chronically traumatized child. Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
The Building Blocks of the Well Cared for Child Primary Building Blocks Secondary Building Blocks Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
The Building Blocks of the Chronically Traumatized Child Primary Building Blocks Secondary Building Blocks Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Impact of Chronic Trauma on Attachment, Thinking, and Behavior Neglect May have difficulty seeking & receiving nurturance or may over seek it May turn feelings inward May Have difficulty with emotional regulation Physical Abuse Hypervigilant – The overwhelming need to constantly detect threats “Hyperactive” and “Attention Deficit” – The chronic inability to focus Angry – A constant feeling of “unfairness” Aggressive towards caregivers or overly compliant/”Bargaining” Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Impact of Chronic Trauma on Attachment, Thinking, and Behavior (Continued) Sexual Abuse Inability to Trust Fear of closeness Shame & confusion/Self-inflicting injuries to the body Emotional Abuse Not worthy of positive attention Difficulty developing relationships Lack of: confidence motivation A feeling of helplessness and hopelessness Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Signs of Chronic Trauma in Children Hyperarousal Nervousness/Panic Jumpiness/Irritability Quick to Startle/Easily Scared Self-Destructive Behaviors Age Inappropriate Behaviors –Reacting like a much younger child. Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Signs of Chronic Trauma in Children (Continued) Reexperiencing Trauma Triggers Intrusive images, sensations, dreams Intrusive memories of the traumatic event or events Difficulty going to sleep or staying asleep; Chronic Nightmares Talking about the trauma events all the time or play themes Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Signs of Chronic Trauma in Children (Continued) Avoidance and Withdrawal Emotional Instability – Moody; Sad; angry; etc. Feeling numb, shut down, or separated from normal life Pulling away from activities and relationships Avoiding things that prompt memories of the trauma Self-Medicating (Drugs and Alcohol; Food) Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Examples of Chronological Age vs Examples of Chronological Age vs. Developmental age in Traumatized Children Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Young Children (0-5) Key Developmental Tasks Trauma’s Impact Development of visual and auditory perception Recognition of and response to emotional cues Attachment to primary caregiver Trauma’s Impact Sensitivity to noise Avoidance of contact Heightened startle response Confusion about what’s dangerous and who to go to for protection Fear of being separated from familiar people/places Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
School-Aged Children (6-12) Key Developmental Tasks Manage fears, anxieties, and aggression Sustain attention for learning and problem solving Control impulses and manage physical responses to danger Trauma’s Impact Emotional mood swings Learning problems Specific anxieties and fears Attention seeking Reversion to younger behaviors Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Adolescents (13-21) Key Developmental Tasks Trauma’s Impact Think abstractly Anticipate and consider the consequences of behavior Accurately judge danger and safety Modify and control behavior to meet long-term goals Trauma’s Impact Difficulty imagining or planning for the future Over- or underestimating danger Inappropriate aggression Reckless and/or self-destructive behaviors Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Rebuilding the Brain of the Chronically Traumatized Child Get Development Back on Track Physical Safety vs. Psychological Safety Help the child name and manage overwhelming emotions Help the child understand the thinking that drives feelings and behaviors Be an advocate Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children
Thoughts and Questions????? Tracy Inman_Understanding Traumatized Children