Instructions Set your stuff down in the back or under the table Sit in back 3 rows All you need is a pen or pencil
Practical Instuctions There will be two parts to the practical Part I: microscope stations Part II: projected slides
Part I There are 10 stations, each with a microscope and slide set up and focused You will have 1 minute per station to look at the slide and identify what the tissue is. I will divide the class in half: each group will come up and take a spot by a scope (any extra people will form a line by station #1) Wherever you start, look at the station number and then at the questions on the quiz sheet that goes with that station. Write answers in the blanks When the timer beeps, move to the left to the next highest station number e.g. 4 5 When you are done with station 10, go to the back of the line at station 1
Part I When the first group is done, the second group will go through the microscope stations. When you are done looking at the scopes, you can use the remaining time to answer the secondary questions for Part 1 After the projected part, I will allow you to look the microscope slides again.
Rules and Advice No talking Fold quiz sheet in half and keep folded unless you are writing on it Try not to bump the tables or scopes Everything should be focused, but if necessary, use one hand to adjust the fine focus (can be helpful) All scope specimens are at 400x (the 40x objective) and are assumed to fill the whole field of view; if not, the question will direct you to look at the pointer. There are no repeat answers for tissues (e.g. you should only have one stratified squamous answer) Partial credit is available. Pay attention the question that is asked on your quiz sheet.