An introduction to VET in the SACE
What is VET? Vocational education and training. Gives students skills and knowledge for work. Operates through a national training system. Delivered, assessed and certified by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). The SACE Board recognises completed VET; does not assess or result VET.
2015 SACE completers and VET Of the students that successfully completed the SACE in 2015: About 5,900 students (41%) included VET in their SACE. More than 1,500 students counted a Certificate III or higher towards their SACE.
Top five industry areas in 2015 for SACE students Hospitality Sport and Recreation Retail Services Community Services Construction
Why consider VET?
Why consider VET? If students enjoy hands-on learning in a workplace setting, they can earn SACE credits for a wide range of activities. Including VET can help students get a head-start on a career. Students develop skills in trades and industries that interest them and work towards the SACE at the same time.
Including VET in the SACE Students can gain up to 150 of their 200 SACE credits at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 from VET. The PLP, English and mathematics subjects and the Research Project may also be industry focused. Completed Certificate III (or higher) qualifications at Stage 2 may count towards an ATAR, and TAFE SA Selection Score.
Earning SACE credits from VET
Earning SACE credits from VET Schools work with students to build clear VET pathways. VET pathways should have a qualification as its focus, for example: Certificate II in Construction (CPC20108) Certificate III in Community Services (CHC32015) Once students choose a VET pathway, their school’s VET coordinator can help determine how many SACE credits they may achieve at Stage 1 or Stage 2.
Ensuring your VET counts for SACE RTOs provide students with their VET results / Statements of Attainment. Schools report the VET results to the SACE Board on behalf of students. Schools also verify and supply evidence to the SACE Board of successful completion of Certificate III and higher VET qualifications. These are used for the ATAR and TAFE SA Selection Score.
VET Recognition Register The VET Recognition Register on the SACE website lists more than 200 popular VET qualifications. The Register also shows the SACE level (Stage 1 or 2) and the SACE credits students could earn.
Students studying VET
Chrishalene’s story Certificate III in Technical Production and Music A passion for mixing and recording music set Chrishalene on a path towards incorporating VET into her SACE studies. She plans to put her skills to use and work with bands after high school to earn money for further study.
“ Jack’s story Certificate III in Sport and Recreation It’s given me a lot of confidence and a range of skills. It is very different to school, more hands-on rather than just writing. It gave me more experiences on what to expect after school.”
“ Ayla’s story Certificate III in Business VET has also made things clearer for me, as it has made it easier to transition into a work environment.”
Further information
Further information Visit the VET minisite Read stories about SACE students including VET in their studies in the Stage 2 Achieve publication. Talk to your school’s VET coordinator.