SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 GET OUT STUFF FOR NOTES Population distribution notes Hw: unit 2 vocab due oct. 6 immigration paper due oct. 13 map quiz Monday read pgs. 53-61 in rub.
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Density vs distribution Density tell us how many people live in an area Distribution tells how/where that population is concentrated even distribution clustered around one specific location random distribution Distribution is affected by factors of physical and human geography
Hans Rosling Videos World Population from past 200 years B4 Population growth shown with IKEA boxes with-ikea-boxes/
Arithmetic Density: Number of people divided by land area Pros? Cons? A.k.a population density Pros? Cons?
Physiological Density: number of people divided by arable land Pros? Cons?
Population Terms Crude Birth Rate: # of live births per 1000 people Crude Death Rate: # of deaths per 1000 people Natural Increase Rate: rate of birth minus rate of death, excluding migration Total Fertility Rate: average # of children per woman Infant Mortality Rate: # of infants that die before age 1 per 1000 people
Which factors increase natural change and which ones decrease it? CREATE A T-CHART IN YOUR NOTES Lack of birth control/family planning Famine War/Conflict Poor health care Traditional custom of large families Education about family planning Large portion of women in the workforce Pro-Natalist policies Societies that value a son