NHA Mission & Vision Statements
*No vision statement on website
*No vision statement on website
We are committed to achieving this Mission by: Building a strong network of local, regional and national partners to develop a common vision for the conservation and enhancement of the scenic, historic, recreational, cultural, and natural characteristics of the region. Developing an education outreach program to reach every student and teacher within the region as well as across the nation. Creating a heritage tourism program that will provide economic development opportunities, through regional branding and cooperative marketing, in communities throughout the corridor. Working in partnership with local, state and national leaders and residents to create a National Scenic Byway and a National Heritage Area to sustain and strengthen our economy, heritage and quality of life in this region. Creating open cooperation with property owners, heritage sites, citizens, business, real estate leaders and public officials to find that balance between growth and preservation which will help communities to prosper and citizens to travel safely while taking pride in our American Heritage. Some sites will utilize a ‘this is how we’ll follow through on our mission’ structure after the mission statement
*No vision statement on website This is listed under a ‘What We Do’ category under ‘Our Work’ tab on their site https://eriecanalway.org/our-work which also contains their unique position, the role of the national park service, and their economic impact
Sustainable economic development and a focus on partnership, community, culture, and education are important parts of these statements, along with creating awareness of the areas themselves Not all sites have mission statements but some will at least have the management plan available or something like ‘strategic initiatives’
*No vision statement on website
The Last Green Valley, Inc The Last Green Valley, Inc. works to enhance the region’s significant natural resources in the context of a vital economy and regional cultural identity. Mission & Vision