Diagnostics Analytical 920 LC Semi-Prep 940 LC 2 models 920-LC and 940-LC Compact, stylish, automated analytical and semi prep HPLC Pre-plumbed and factory tested for the highest confidence Easy to order, install and use Single Ethernet cable connection Focused on improved productivity through automation Updated premium performance hardware Autosampler, Fraction Collector and Scale up Module for semi-prep Quaternary pump, precision Column Heater,RI, Fluor, ELSD and autosampler for analytical Updated Integrated Instrument Software Interface Eliminate repetition, modernise UI Consistent Easy to use with added functionality Adds to modular range Analytical 920 LC Semi-Prep 940 LC
Modular Diagnostics and Troubleshooting General Diagnostics Software Modular Overview System Tests Modular Tests Autosampler Pumps Fraction Collector Detectors Peripherals
Modules Autosampler Quaternary Pump Fraction Collector (external) Fluorescence Detector Column Heater/ Manual Injector Scale Up module MIB --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UV-Vis Detector PDA Detector RI Detector (internal and external) ELSD (external) Isocratic Pump Sample Loading Pump
IMS IMS can be accessed from the front of the Galaxie Data system page. The modules present in IMS will be determined by the modules configured in the system selected: Open Galaxie Data Systems software and select the system of interest Once the system appears in the lower window, you will need to wait until all modules read Ready After all the modules are ready and connected to the software, you can select the Instrument Maintenance option which is located to the right of the LC systems picture. Selecting this option will open the IMS module.
IMS Actions Once IMS opens make sure that the system of interest is still selected, and turn on IMS control. Once IMS is on, you will see that the green colored switch is gone, and that the formerly grey one next to it is now red. Once this system is under IMS control, the Galaxie Data System software is locked out. This is necessary since you do not want to make any changes to the system while it is running a sequence or a sample. Once IMS is running you will see all the modules in your system next to the instrument icon. You can click on any of the modules to see the actions, counters, service tests, and the log book associated with this module. For additional information and detailed help on any of the actions, click on the question mark symbol underneath the list of actions. To exit IMS, and to release the system control back to the Galaxie Data system control, you will need to press the red stop button. The Actions Tab allows the user to reset any of the counters for the selected module. This should be used anytime that anything is replaced or changed on the system.
IMS Counters The Counters Tab allows the user to monitor the usage of all of their consumables parts. The contents of this tab is also dependant upon the system module selected. Once it has been determined that the counter has reached 100%, then this component should be replaced, and under the Actions Tab, this counter can be reset.
IMS Service Tests The Service Test Tab allows the user to select a test from the pull down menu which will allow for modular level component testing. Once a test has been selected, the bottom portion of the screen will provide the user with detailed instructions on how to conduct the test. At the tests completion, a final pass/fail message will appear, and details of this test will then be stored in the log book tab.
IMS Additional Tests In addition to the tests found on the Service Test tab, there are a few tests that are only accessible to the service engineer. These tests can be enabled by putting in the service password (IMS2008). Once the password is correct you will see a white check in a green box (otherwise you see a white X in a red box). Make sure not to provide the customer with access to these tests as incorrect use can break the LC.
IMS Log Book The Log Book Tab allows the user to see a summary of all the actions, counters, and service tests that have been run during the current session. The current session is defined as the time spent in IMS without going back to the Galaxie data System software. If you want to look at the previous log book entries, you can do so by going to the Maintenance folder.
IMS Log Book Each log entry will be there in pdf form stored by the date it was collected. (C:\Galaxie\Server\Data_Shared\Maintenance\Prep system Loaded) under the system name of the instrument in question. All entries are broken up into individual IMS sessions where the file name corresponds to the date of collection.
IMS Help Upon pressing any links associated with the help, the window will show the details of this entry.
IMS Help Details include replacement procedures such as the one shown
Troubleshooting General Troubleshooting Tips Abnormal Pressure Poor Sensitivity, Separation, Reproducibility Starting at page 54 of the manual
Auto Sampler Poor Reliability Contamination Electronics Injection Valve System Injection Port System LC System Contamination Sample Electronics If the problem appears to be Poor reliability or Contamination, the flow path of the autosampler will have to be checked. This could mean that you need to go through the Sample Injection Actions in IMS. The outcome can be that parts need replacing such as: Injection Port Seal Needle Syringe Injection Valve Seal Syringe Valve Seal Fuse More information on page 60 of the manual
Autosampler Electronics Not Initialising Error X, Y, Z S-Valve I-Valve System Busy/ Communications Error Error Codes can be found on page 21 of the manual. Depending on the code that you will find, adjustments to the mechanisms or photo sensors will have to be performed. Details are found from page 68 in the manual.
IMS Autosampler Tests Autosampler Complete Test Autosampler Temperature Accuracy Test
IMS Autosampler Actions Injection port seal replaced Injection valve rotor replaced Syringe replaced Purge syringe Syringe valve rotor replaced Injection valve stator replaced Syringe valve stator replaced Needle replaced Wash needle Move to injection port Syringe needle adjustment
Autosampler Practical Person 1: X, Y, Z movement adjustment Person 2: Vial Detection & Injection Valve Sensor adjustment Person 3: X & Y movement adjustment Mechanism Rails …Injection Port Position, Syringe Valve and Syringe Sensor adjustments… If there is time left, you can go through the IMS actions and tests