A Novel Latin Square-based Secret Sharing for M2M Communications


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Presentation transcript:

A Novel Latin Square-based Secret Sharing for M2M Communications Source: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2018 Feb 28. Authors: Shen, Jian, Tianqi Zhou, Xingang Liu, and Yao- Chung Chang. Speaker: Huang Peng-Cheng Date: 1/18/2019 A new M2M communications scheme is proposed for secure and efficient information transmission in M2M communications

Outline Introduction Proposed scheme Security analysis Performance analysis Conclusions Comments

Introduction(1/1) --M2M Architecture Requirement and critical problem problems for M2M communications Real time Security Fault tolerance

Proposed scheme (1/4) -- Constructing the Communication Model To establish 6 node-disjoint paths from Node 1 to Node 8 in graph Latin Square

Proposed scheme (2/4) --Secret-Sharing Scheme (1/3) (1) Initialization: (2) Secret generation: (ei, n) & (di, n) are used to mark

Proposed scheme (3/4) --Secret-Sharing Scheme (2/3) (4) Authentication: (3) Secret sharing: EncS(M)

Proposed scheme (4/4) --Secret-Sharing Scheme (3/3) (6) Secret recovery: (5) Fault detection: ?

Security Analysis (1/1) Replay attacks Impersonation attacks Key compromise impersonation attacks

Performance Analysis (1/4) --System Delay

Performance Analysis (2/4) --Storage and Computational Overhead

Performance Analysis (3/4) -- Simulation

Performance Analysis (4/4) -- Simulation

Conclusions Designing a new M2M communications scheme Providing high real-time performance for M2M communications Ensuring security in information transmission Supporting fault tolerance