C. Schwartz, LMS December 2016 Evaluating Web Sites C. Schwartz, LMS December 2016
Internet Provides a wealth of information Gives quick results Great place to find Images Fast facts Current events
Problems Information can be inaccurate Not checked for accuracy Maybe biased Often not thorough Can be out of date High reading level
Criteria for Evaluation Author Who is the author Who created the page Look for a link such as “about” or “home” Look for a way to email the author
Criteria for Evaluation Authority Author/creator credentials Resume Associated with an institution or association
Criteria for Evaluation Currency Date of posting of site or last update Importance depends on topic. Historical vs. current research
Criteria for Evaluation Reliability Personal opinion Fact or Fiction Reviewed by a well-known source on topic
Criteria for Evaluation Bias One-sided or shows both sides of the issue Author’s opinion
Criteria for Evaluation Depth Amount of detail provided Depends on the intended audience
Criteria for Evaluation Appearance Professional appearance Easy to navigate Images load quickly Working links Misspelling Color Few ads
Purpose of Web site Educational- to inform Commercial Not biased Well balanced
Wikipedia Popular website Reliability History Question of Authority
Data bases Digital Print Source Access via Internet Not web pages Reliable Encyclopedias, periodicals
Domain Name .edu .com .net .gov .mil .org