Mokusatsu The Power of a Word! Do you think some family atomic explosions could be avoided by better communication?
NONVERBALS Communication is more than words. 3
When you speak, which of the following have the greatest impact on those who listen to you? Words? Tone of Voice? Face and Body Language?
The Astonishing Facts Are: 7% Words 38% Tone of voice 55% Face and body language 5
Forced Choices--Activity
Different Levels of Communication Chit-chat Reporting the news/ facts Communicating ideas & opinions Sharing feelings Open and intimate, mature communication.
Research: 6 Factors Characterize Strong Healthy Families Show love and appreciation Spend time together Face crises in a positive way Are spiritual Are committed to each other Communicate effectively Stinnett & DeFrain 8
Research: Gary Smalley’s Survey Most wives would like one hour of communication time with their husband during the day.
Research: Millie and John Youngberg’s Survey Christian husbands’ and wives’ greatest needs are: - Spiritual growth - Time for two
Research: Hilton Terrell’s Report 2-parent households best for youth Children from single-parent homes suffer 20-40% more health problems Communicating fathers make a difference in the home.
Research: Family Communication On the average, parents communicate with their teens 14 minutes a day. Of this 12 are negative, 1 is neutral, and 1 minute is positive communication. Psychologist Larry Kubiak
Research: Family Communication 39 Minutes Per Week of Meaning-ful Parent-Child Communication. However the TV is on 49 hours per week. Focus on the Family 2004
Communication Breakdown as a Marriage Problem The Redbook survey of 730 counselors, reported the highest ranked marriage problem was communication breakdown.
HUGS: A prescription for All How many hugs do we need a day?
Communication Hints for All Be a good listener Enjoy life with humor Brainstorm decision making ideas Be optimistic and positive Choose to communicate nicely WIN! iStockphoto
Enjoy Life With Humor WIN! 17
Meal talk important with teens When families eat at least the dinner meal together, the teen will be significantly less likely to participate in risky behaviors.
Teens eating with family will be less likely to: Have sex at an early age Be suspended from school Commit suicide
Teens eating with family will be more likely to: Get better grades at school Be better emotionally adjusted Have positive friends Have better nutrition
Family Devotional Time WIN! 21
Family Council WIN! 22
A True Story from South Africa 24
Do you want to say, “God, help me to communicate to others with the same love which You have communicated to me?”
Group Discussion In which way are your communication skills improving or getting worse? How does your communication affect your emotional and physical health? WIN! Character Canvas
Group Discussion Which subjects are the most difficult for you to communicate? 4. Share a time when you communicated with God and something special happened immediately or soon there after. WIN! Character Canvas
Group Discussion 5. Share with the group an incident when it was a challenge to effectively communicate with someone, but you had a successful experience. State if you had communicated with God about the incident. WIN! Character Canvas
Personal Reflections I remember when God helped me to speak words that smoothed troubled waters and brought encouragement to someone………… WIN! Character Canvas
Personal Reflections How long has it been since you, as a couple, have gone out alone for a special date or recreation time? Make plans for one outing without children and one with children as a full family. Plan with wife______ Date_____. Plan with children _______ Date_____. WIN! Character Canvas
Personal Reflections 3. My goals for more effective communication are ____________________________. 4. Who needs me to listen to them? My prayer is that You, Lord, will help me to be a better listener and a better communicator. WIN! Character Canvas
Prayer Lord, teach us how to communicate in a loving positive way. Help us to choose appropriate words that encourage and are kind and thoughtful. May our words be guarded so they will not be misunderstood or hurtful. WIN!
Prayer Teach us how to communicate with you daily through prayer. We desire to have You speak to us and guide us in our daily activities. Amen. WIN!
WELLNESS INTEGRATING NEEDS! WIN! WELLNESS INTEGRATING NEEDS! “COMMUNICATION IN THE FAMILY CIRCLE” The End ©2006, Marriage & Family Commitment Inc. Authors: Drs. John, Millie & Wes Youngberg Ilustration: Ing. Eliseo Vergara Mtz.