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Presentation transcript:

doc.: IEEE 802.15-<15-09-0758-00-004e> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<15-09-0758-00-004e> March 2012 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [SGptc Closing Report for Waikoloa Session] Date Submitted: [March 15, 2012] Source: [Jon Adams] Company [Lilee Systems] Address [2905 Stender Way, Suite 78, Santa Clara CA, 95054 USA] Voice:[+1.480.628.6686], E-Mail:[jonadams@ieee.org] Re: [SGptc Closing Report for March 2012 Session.] Abstract: [Chair Closing Report for the March 2012 Session] Purpose: [Potential PHY Amendment to IEEE 802.15.4] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Jon Adams, Lilee Systems

IEEE PTC Focus Communications between Train and Wayside March 2012 IEEE PTC Focus Communications between Train and Wayside Train and Network Infrastructure Wayside and Network Infrastructure Network Control Center Jon Adams, Lilee Systems

Participation from 90+ Individuals from 63 Entities March 2012 Participation from 90+ Individuals from 63 Entities Parsons Siemens US DOT Sunrise Micro US DOT FTA Samsung The Ohio State University Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Korea) US DOT Volpe Safetran (Invensys Rail) Union Pacific RR University of British Columbia LG Electronics Notor Research CalAmp Rail Safety Consulting Institute for Infocomm Research National Taiwan University Qualcomm Freescale Kyocera Interdigital Tensorcom Analog Devices CSX National Technical Systems Parsons Brinckerhoff Stantec Microsemi Oki Blind Creek Intel Bombardier Transportation Rohde and Schwarz Korea Railroad Research Institute Lilee Systems The Boeing Company Semtech Vinnotech Noblis Tohoku University REIC (Japan) Beijing Univ of Posts and Telecommunications NXP ARINC Verizon Authentec Sensus TU Braunschweig Via Technologies Halcrow US DOT FRA Philips Astrin Radio China Academy of Telecomm Research Gannett Fleming Yokogawa GE APTA GuardRFID Semaphore Group Anritsu Fujitsu Sony Jon Adams, Lilee Systems

doc.: IEEE 802.15-<15-09-0758-00-004e> January 19 <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<15-09-0758-00-004e> March 2012 Meeting Goals Addressing PAR and 5C Comments Appropriate response to all questions on PAR and 5C received by 1700 HI time Tuesday Submission of those responses by 1700 HI time Wednesday Approval of the documents at the Thursday evening closing plenary Discussion of Technical Guidance Document Future Schedule Slide 4 Jon Adams, Lilee Systems Page 4

Questions and Responses March 2012 Questions and Responses There was a total of 10 questions or comments on the draft PAR (Project Authorization Request) 15-11-0821-09 There were no questions or comments on the draft 5C (Five Criteria) 15-11-0876-07 Responses were given to all questions or comments and those compiled into 15-12-0163-01 15-12-0163-01 and the subsequent changes to the PAR were unanimously approved at SGptc W AM1 session in time for presentation at mid-week plenary Jon Adams, Lilee Systems

March 2012 Motion 1 Motion: Request that the PAR and Five Criteria contained in documents 15-11-0821-10 and 15-11-0876-07 respectively be approved by the IEEE 802.15 WG and that the EC be requested to forward the PAR to NesCom Moved: Jon Adams (Lilee Systems) Second: John Notor (Notor Research) Y/N/A: 38/0/1 Jon Adams, Lilee Systems

March 2012 Motion 2 Motion:  That the 802.15 WG empowers its WG chair to, at the Chair’s discretion, amend the proposed PAR and Five Criteria stated in 15-11-0821-10 and 15-11-0876-07 respectively with any combination of the following changes: minor content changes to the PAR and Five Criteria in response to EC discussion changes to the range of channel bandwidth limits change or eliminate the following clause in the 5.2 scope:  “accommodates transmit power levels greater than the 1 watt typical of US FCC Part 15 devices” include the definition of positive train control into section 8.1 Moved: Jon Adams (Lilee Systems) Second: Steve Jillings (Semtech) Y/N/A: 43/0/0 Jon Adams, Lilee Systems

SGptc Meetings This Week <month year> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<15-09-0758-00-004e> March 2012 SGptc Meetings This Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM1 PAR/5C Comments Resolution AM2 PM1 Presentation(s) Upcoming schedule Next Steps (cancelled) IEEE 802 Exec. Committee Mtg Review and approval of SGptc PAR for submission to NeSCom PM2 Opening Agenda Summary of work to date PM3 802.15 Closing Plenary Slide 8 Jon Adams, Lilee Systems Page 8 <author>, <company>

PTC Schedule March 2012 Interest Group Study Group Task Group Establish group, discuss process Aug 2011 Establish regular meeting schedule Oct 2011 Request promotion to Study Group Nov 2011 Study Group Call for Contributions Nov 2011 Draft Project Authorization Request and 5C Nov 2011 Request PAR/5C approval Jan 2012 Request promotion to Task Group Jan 2012 Task Group Proposal Effort Technical Guidance Document May 2012 Call for Proposals May 2012 Preliminary Proposals July 2012 Final Proposals Sep 2012 Adopt Baseline Nov 2012 Drafting Preliminary draft May 2013 Final draft (ready for WG Letter Ballot) July 2013 Balloting Letter ballot Sep 2013 Recirculation I Jan 2014 Recirculation II Mar 2014 Recirculation III May 2014 Sponsor Ballot July 2014 Jon Adams, Lilee Systems

Logistics from Waikoloa to Atlanta March 2012 Logistics from Waikoloa to Atlanta Conference Calls Near weekly calls Wednesday at 1100 EDT March 21, 28; April 4, 11, 18, 25; May 2, 9 Call details are: +1.530.881.1000, participant access code: 646359# Continuing Work Rapidly address any comments as they come in from NesCom up until their meeting on 28 March Request and responses to revised Call for Applications Prepare Technical Guidance Document Request for informational presentations during the upcoming telecons before Atlanta Continue to increase industry participation Present paper at Joint Rail Conference 2012 (ASME, IEEE, ASCE) 17-19 April Jon Adams, Lilee Systems