Access to Justice and Technology Ronald W. Staudt Class 9: Alternatives to Current Justice Processes October 28,2004
Today First Drafts are due today. November 4: No reading for next week: please schedule a meeting with me to review your first draft and plan the revisions November 11: explore the three Illinois web sites: Lawyer/editors from the Illinois Technology Center will be guest lecturers on using technology to practice law and inform clients about the law. Student presentations on November 18, 30th and December 1 Plan on 15 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of Q & A for each paper. Papers are grouped to be somewhat synergistic
Student presentations November 18 Brendan Bresnahan Leigh Callander Pantea Mahim Ronald Michel November 30 Matthew Freeman Jessica Jeffries Ylda Kopka Ean Kryska Grace Song December 1 Patrick Casey Melissa Freeman Luke Novak Jennifer Weaver
Alternatives to Current Justice Process 2003 Student overview ADR video 2004 Student links and bibliography
ON-LINE DISPUTE INITIATIVES Discussion by John Zillmer
ON-LINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION Using the Internet to Resolve Internet Disputes Disputes Related to on-line transactions Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) Pre-dispute agreement to use mandatory administrative proceeding Partnerships Viability Consumer Complaints International Law Enforcement
ON-LINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION Using the Internet to Resolve non-internet related disputes Passive Bidding System Limited to insurance claims Claimant must be represented by an attorney Parties submit to its jurisdiction Enforcement by agreement Parallels litigation FREE!